
Practice Problems for the Final

By dolemitefunk - 12/9/2010 2:25:51 PM

Is there a location where all of the practice problems can be found, like one large PDF? or even one location that has all of the pdfs? The reason I ask is that it is hard enough to navigate this site, let alone try and look for something specific.

[NEAS: The "final exam" thread has copies of all the practice problems.]
By sfrack2 - 12/15/2010 8:47:07 AM

See the Materials topic for a pdf of all the Readings (10th ed), Practice Problems, and HW.  Beware it is 400 pages.

[NEAS: Practice problems for all modules are continually updated. The discussion forum has many more problems than this PDF has. It is useful as a starting point, but be sure to check the more recent postings on the discussion forum.]