
Time Series and Web Sites.

By NEAS - 5/2/2008 1:04:56 PM

Time Series and Web Sites.

We put various time series on the discussion forum. We use standard indices in Excel format, so you can copy the time series to your Excel workbook.

Candidates have done student projects on hundreds of topics, often using fascinating data sets. As search the internet for a time series that interests you, do the following:

If you find a web site with interesting data, place a link to that web site on the discussion forum. If you have downloaded a time series, add an attachment of an Excel worksheet or a data file with the data.

If you are looking for data but you can’t find a web site with the figure you need, post a question on the discussion forum.


This information is especially useful for "soft" data. Your postings will give ideas to other candidates for their student projects, and other candidates may respond to your questions with suggestions about possible web sites.