
Can We E-Mail Scanned Hand-Written Homeworks?

By xeb - 11/12/2008 1:37:23 PM


I definitely understand why NEAS does not allow us to e-mail our homework when it is done electronically, but what about scanning your HW after you have hand-written it? Can I scan my hand-written homework assignments and e-mail them in separate PDF's that would be broken down into groups of modules?

For example, scan all my hand-written homework assignments (on separate pages) for Modules 1-6 and put it into one convenient .pdf file. (Then do the same for the other groups of modules).

This seems to be the best method, everyone wins:
- I save money and time, plus I get a digital receipt and keep the original if NEAS does not receive it.
- NEAS still knows that I did my own work, and it is easier for them to process my submission.


[NEAS: A course instructor last week responded that this is fine. The NEAS office requested today that students mail the homework, not send scanned versions by e-mail. The scanned versions create administrative difficulties for the office staff. Please send future homework assignments by mail.]