
TS sproj daily temperature Fredonia

By NEAS - 6/15/2009 8:38:40 AM

Daily temperature and other weather patterns are good data for student projects: they have clear seasonality, and their ARIMA pattern can be easily determined from the large number of observations. The NEAS web site has many time series of daily temperature. Select a site, analyze the data, correct for missing values, form a correlogram, de-seasonalize the data, and test several ARIMA processes. Every time series is different, so you must understand the material to complete the student project. If you are unsure what is expected, read the student projects on daily temperature on the NEAS web site to see what others are doing. If you feel ambitious, you can include a section testing for warming at this site.

By ladeedah - 6/15/2009 4:05:11 PM

Have all of the projects that are posted been graded as meets minimum requirements?  Or are they just samples of past student work?  Thanks.