
Course Sequence

By NEAS - 12/2/2009 12:41:50 PM

Course Sequence


Updated: December 1, 2009


Question: Are the VEE courses pre-requisites for the actuarial exams?


Answer: No; the course and exams are independent. Time series is a bit harder if you have forgotten the regression material you learned in college, but this is not a major obstacle. You must know how to run a simple regression, using Excel’s add-in or other software.


Question: In what order should I take the VEE courses?


Answer: The choice is up to you. You can take the two economics courses together, since the two textbooks are similar; both are based on a market clearing model and they have the same perspective on many topics. Regression analysis and time series cover similar material; they can also be taken together.


If you have no background in any of these subjects, we recommend taking microeconomics and macroeconomics; regression analysis and time series; and corporate finance in three separate quarters. Many candidates have college credits for some courses, and need credit only for the remaining courses. You can combine college courses with on-line courses to receive VEE credit.





By Jacobwilliam - 2/14/2015 8:02:05 AM

Great postS��S�R3� _____________________