
Fox Module 4: Bivariate Displays HW

By NEAS - 12/3/2009 12:29:19 PM

Module 4: Bivariate Displays


(The attached PDF file have better formatting.)


Homework Assignment: quantile comparison plots


Quantile comparison plots are discussed in Module 3 and are used later in the text. This homework assignment discusses quantile comparison plots, not bivariate displays


We compare quantile comparison plots for two distributions:


           Figure 3.9 on page 37: A t-distribution with 3 degrees of freedom.

           Figure 3.8 on page 37: A ÷-squared distribution with 2 degrees of freedom.



Below is a quantile comparison plot for 1,000 random draws from a t-distribution with 3 degrees of freedom.


The quantile comparison plot for a t-distribution with 2 degrees of freedom is shaped like an S-curve.



A.     At the upper tail, are values more or less extreme than in a normal distribution?

B.     At the lower tail, are values more or less extreme than in a normal distribution?

C.    Is the t-distribution with 2 degrees of freedom (i) symmetric thin-tailed, (ii) symmetric thick-tailed, (iii) positively skewed, or (iv) negatively skewed?




Below is a quantile comparison plot for 1,000 random draws from a χ-squared distribution with 2 degrees of freedom.



The quantile comparison plot for a χ-squared distribution with 2 degrees of freedom is shaped like a convex banana.



A.     At the upper tail, are values more or less extreme than in a normal distribution?

B.     At the lower tail, are values more or less extreme than in a normal distribution?

C.    Is a ÷-squared distribution with df = 2 (i) symmetric thin-tailed, (ii) symmetric thick-tailed, (iii) positively skewed, or (iv) negatively skewed?



By calboy2002 - 3/9/2013 3:26:36 AM

2 questions

1, for the HW, the figure 3.6 on page 37 is T-dis with 2 degree of freedom, not 3 degree of freedom. Is this a typo?

2, for the chi square dis, the points at the lower tail are bound by 0, the points at upper tail are not bound. There extreme points at upper tail are more than the points at lower tail. The upper tail is thick tailed, but not symmetric. Am I right?