
TS Module 16: ARIMA Forecasting HW

By NEAS - 12/4/2009 8:03:39 AM

TS Module 16: ARIMA Forecasting HW


(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)


Homework assignment: ARIMA(0,1,1) process


The estimated (forecast) and actual values for Periods 48, 49, and 50 of an ARIMA(0,1,1) process are shown below.


Forecasts are one period ahead forecasts:  ŷ48(1) for Period 49 and ŷ49(1) for Period 50.















           The estimated and actual values are for the ARIMA(0,1,1) time series.

           The values of ì and è1 are for the ARMA model of first differences. (Cryer and Chan use è for an ARMA process, not è1.)



To solve the homework assignment, use the following steps:



           Determine the residual for each period for the ARIMA(0,1,1) model.

           These are also the residuals for the ARMA process of first differences.

           Determine the forecasts and actual values for the MA(1) process of first differences for the last two periods.

           Write equations for these forecasts in terms of the mean, the residual in the previous period, and è1. Remember that è1 is the negative of the moving average parameter.

           You have a pair of linear equations with two unknowns, ì and è1.

           Solve for  ì and è1 and verify that these values give the forecasts in the table.

           Use the residual for Period 50 and the values of ì and è1 to forecast Period 51.

           Derive the forecast for the original ARIMA time series for Period 51.




1.      What is the mean ì of the ARMA model of first differences?

2.      What is è1 of the ARMA model of first differences?

3.      What is the forecasted value of the ARIMA(0,1,1) process for Period 51?


Show the derivations of the parameters and the forecast.




By moo5003 - 12/14/2011 1:36:33 PM

I also got:

Mean = 2
Theta = 1.5
Forecast Y_50(1) = 74.1

For whatever reason I forgot how to get the residual... finally just wrote down all the equations and realized its just (Actual - Forecast).