Benefits of online course
Course scheduling
Homework assignments
Final exam
Module 1: Consumer's Demand, Producer's Supply, and Equilibrium
Module 2: Prices, costs, and the gains from trade
Module 3: The behavior of consumers
Module 4: Consumers in the marketplace
Module 5: The behavior of firms
Module 6: Production and costs
Module 7: Competition: short run
Module 8: Competition: long run
Module 9: Welfare economics and the gains from trade
Module 10: Knowledge and information
Module 11: Monopoly
Module 12: Price discrimination
Module 13: Market power
Module 14: Collusion, cartels, and regulation
Module 15: Oligopoly, monopolistic competition, and product differentiation
Module 16: The theory of games
Module 17: Externalities: Pigou and Coase
Module 18: Externalities: transaction costs, law and economics
Module 19: Common property and public goods
Module 20: The demand for factors of production
Module 21: The market for labor
Module 22: Wages and discrimination
Module 23: Allocating goods over time
Module 24: Risk and uncertainty