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VEE Exam Course: Microeconomics
Benefits of online course
Course scheduling
Homework assignments
Final exam
Module 1: Consumer's Demand, Producer's Supply, and Equilibrium
Module 2: Prices, costs, and the gains from trade
Module 3: The behavior of consumers
Module 4: Consumers in the marketplace
Module 5: The behavior of firms
Module 6: Production and costs
Module 7: Competition: short run
Module 8: Competition: long run
Module 9: Welfare economics and the gains from trade
Module 10: Knowledge and information
Module 11: Monopoly
Module 12: Price discrimination
Module 13: Market power
Module 14: Collusion, cartels, and regulation
Module 15: Oligopoly, monopolistic competition, and product...
Module 16: The theory of games
Module 17: Externalities: Pigou and Coase
Module 18: Externalities: transaction costs, law and economics
Module 19: Common property and public goods
Module 20: The demand for factors of production
Module 21: The market for labor
Module 22: Wages and discrimination
Module 23: Allocating goods over time
Module 24: Risk and uncertainty
VEE Exam Course: Corporate Finance
Benefits of online course
Course scheduling
Homework assignments
Final exam
Module 1: Present value and the opportunity cost of capital
Module 2: Calculating present values
Module 3: Value of common stocks
Module 4: Net present value vs other valuation models
Module 5: Investment decisions and net present value
Module 6: Risk, return, and the opportunity cost of capital
Module 7: Risk and return
Module 8: Capital budgeting and risk
Module 9: Analyzing corporate projects
Module 10: Positive net present value
Module 11: Maximizing net present value
Module 12: Corporate financing and market efficiency
Module 13: Corporate financing
Module 14: The capital markets
Module 15: Common stock dividends
Module 16: Debt policy
Module 17: Optimal corporate borrowing
Module 18: Financing and valuation: weighted average cost of capital
Module 19: Financing and valuation: adjusted present value
Module 20: Introduction to options
Module 21: Option valuation
Module 22: Real options
Module 23: Advanced option valuation
Module 24: Financial analysis and planning
VEE Financial Accounting (on-line course)
VEE Fin Accg textbook and course structure
FA practice exam questions
FA Mod 1: Financial Statements
FA Mod 2: Financial reporting standards
FA Mod 3: The income statement (statement of profit and loss)
FA Mod 4: The balance sheet (statement of financial position)
FA Mod 5: The Cash Flow Statement
FA Mod 6: Articulation of the income statement, balance sheet, and...
FA Mod 7: Financial analysis techniques
FA Mod 8: Earnings per share
FA Mod 9: Inventories
FA Mod 10: Accounting for long-lived assets
FA Mod 11: Long-term (non-current) liabilities
FA Mod 11: Operating leases and finance leases (no longer tested)
FA Mod 12: Accounting for income taxes
FA Mod 13: Deferred taxes assets and liabilities
FA Mod 14: Employee pensions and share-based compensation
FA Mod 15: Financial investments
FA Mod 16: Equity method of accounting
FA Mod 17: Business combinations
FA Mod 18: Foreign currency transactions
FA Mod 19: Foreign currency translation (no longer tested)
FA Mod 20: Insurance contracts: GAAP
FA Module 21: IFRS 17 (insurance contracts) General measurement model
FA Module 22: IFRS 17 (insurance contracts) Revenue + expense;...
FA Module 23: IFRS 17 Premium allocation approach; reinsurance...
FA Module 24: IFRS 17 (insurance contracts) Reconciliations of the...
VEE On-line Course: Mathematical Statistics
VEE Math Stat: textbook and course structure
MS statistical tables for final exam
MS practice exam questions
MS Module 1 Background and data visualization
MS Mod 2 Confidence intervals
MS Mod 3: Confidence intervals; t distributions; variances
MS Mod 4: Hypotheses and Test Procedures
MS Mod 5: Hypothesis testing of the mean
MS Mod 6: Hypothesis testing of proportions
MS Mod 7: Hypothesis testing – p values
MS Mod 8: Inferences Based on Two Samples
MS Mod 9: Two-Sample t Test and Confidence Interval
MS Mod 10: Paired data and Two Population Proportions & Variances
MS Mod 11: Single-Factor ANOVA
MS Mod 12: Expected values and β’s for ANOVA + unequal sample sizes
MS Mod 13: Two-Factor ANOVA without interaction effects
MS Mod 14: Two-factor ANOVA, interaction effects
MS Mod 15: Linear and logistic regression models
MS Mod 16: Regression estimates
MS Mod 17: Regression analysis confidence intervals and hypothesis...
MS Mod 18: Regression analysis: Fitted values and predictions
MS Mod 19: Correlation
MS Mod 20: Residuals and Standardized Residuals
MS Mod 21: Multiple regression analysis
MS Mod 22: χ2 tests
MS Mod 23: Actuarial risk classification
MS Mod 24: Actuarial risk classification – other bias functions
VEE Exam Course: Macroeconomics
Homework assignments
Course questions
Final exam
Macro practice exam questions
Macro Module 1: National Income Accounting
Macro Module 2: Economic Growth
Macro Module 3: Growth Models
Macro Module 4: Working with the Solow Growth Model
Macro Module 5: Conditional Convergence and Long-Run Economic Growth
Macro Module 6: Markets, Prices, Supply, and Demand
Macro Module 7: Market Clearing
Macro Module 8: Consumption, Savings, and Investment
Macro Module 9: An Equilibrium Business Cycle Model
Macro Module 10: Business Cycle Effects
Macro Module 11: Capital Utilization and Unemployment
Macro Module 12: Demand for Money
Macro Module 13: Price Levels and Seasonal Variations
Macro Module 14: Inflation and Interest Rates
Macro Module 15: Inflation, Interest Rates, and Money Growth
Macro Module 16: Government Expenditures
Macro Module 17: Temporary Changes in Government Expenditures and War...
Macro Module 18: Taxes
Macro Module 19: Public Debt
Macro Module 20: Debt and Social Security
Macro Module 21: Price mis-perceptions model, theory
Macro Module 22: Price mis-perceptions model, empirical evidence
Macro Module 23: Sticky prices (new Keynesian model)
Macro Module 24: New Keynesian model and sticky wages
VEE Exam Course: Regression Analysis John Fox text
Course scheduling
Homework assignments
Final exam
Fox Module 1 Statistical models
Fox Module 2 Basics of regression analysis
Fox Module 3 Univariate displays
Fox Module 4 Bivariate displays
Fox Module 5 Multivariate displays
Fox Module 6 Transforming data
Fox Module 7 Advanced transformations
Fox Module 8 Linear least squares regression
Fox Module 9 Multiple regression
Fox Module 10 Advanced multiple regression
Fox Module 11 Statistical inference for simple linear regression
Fox Module 12 Statistical inference for multiple regression
Fox Module 13 Dummy variable regression
Fox Module 14 Modeling interactions
Fox module 15 advanced interactions
Fox Module 16 Analysis of variance
Fox Module 17 Unusual and influential data
Fox Module 18 Outliers and Influence advanced
Fox Module 19 Heteroscedasticity
Fox Module 20 Collinearity
Fox Module 21 Generalized linear models concepts
Fox Module 22 Generalized linear models discrete and continuous data
Fox Module 23 Generalized linear models, probabilities
Fox Module 24 Student project requirements and templates
VEE Regression Analysis Student Project
Other Ideas: Parameter Stability and Heteroscedasticity
Loss Reserving
Project Template: Sports Won-Loss Statistics
Regression Analysis Student Project Samples
Student Projects: Read First (Basic Information)
RA student project questions
VEE Exam Course: Time Series Cryer Chan text
Homework assignments
Course scheduling
Final exam
TS Module 1 Time series overview
TS Module 2 Time series concepts
TS Module 3 Trends
TS Module 4 Regression methods
TS Module 5 Stationary moving average processes
TS Module 6 Stationary autoregressive processes
TS Module 7 Stationary mixed processes
TS Module 8 Non-stationary time series basics
TS Module 9 Non-stationary ARIMA time series
TS Module 10 Autocorrelation functions
TS Module 11 Simulated and actual time series
TS Module 12 Parameter estimation method of moments
TS Module 13 Parameter estimation least squares
TS Module 14 Model diagnostics
TS Module 15 Forecasting basics
TS Module 16 ARIMA Forecasting
TS Module 17 Forecasting bounds
TS Module 18 Forecast updates and weights
TS Module 19 Seasonal models basics
TS Module 20 Seasonal models advanced
TS Module 21 Building an ARIMA process
TS Module 22 Student projects interest rates
TS Module 23 Student projects sport statistics
TS Module 24 Student projects weather and demographics
VEE Time Series Student Project
Student Project Samples
Student Project General: Introduction, Write-up, Grading (Read First)
Time Series Project Templates
Interest Rates
ARIMA Modeling
Web Sites and Data Questions
Indices for TS Student Projects
Time Series Techniques
Time Series Student Project Samples
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VEE Exam Course: Microeconomics
Benefits of online course
Course scheduling
Homework assignments
Final exam
Module 1: Consumer's Demand, Producer's Supply, and Equilibrium
Module 2: Prices, costs, and the gains from trade
Module 3: The behavior of consumers
Module 4: Consumers in the marketplace
Module 5: The behavior of firms
Module 6: Production and costs
Module 7: Competition: short run
Module 8: Competition: long run
Module 9: Welfare economics and the gains from trade
Module 10: Knowledge and information
Module 11: Monopoly
Module 12: Price discrimination
Module 13: Market power
Module 14: Collusion, cartels, and regulation
Module 15: Oligopoly, monopolistic competition, and product...
Module 16: The theory of games
Module 17: Externalities: Pigou and Coase
Module 18: Externalities: transaction costs, law and economics
Module 19: Common property and public goods
Module 20: The demand for factors of production
Module 21: The market for labor
Module 22: Wages and discrimination
Module 23: Allocating goods over time
Module 24: Risk and uncertainty
VEE Exam Course: Corporate Finance
Benefits of online course
Course scheduling
Homework assignments
Final exam
Module 1: Present value and the opportunity cost of capital
Module 2: Calculating present values
Module 3: Value of common stocks
Module 4: Net present value vs other valuation models
Module 5: Investment decisions and net present value
Module 6: Risk, return, and the opportunity cost of capital
Module 7: Risk and return
Module 8: Capital budgeting and risk
Module 9: Analyzing corporate projects
Module 10: Positive net present value
Module 11: Maximizing net present value
Module 12: Corporate financing and market efficiency
Module 13: Corporate financing
Module 14: The capital markets
Module 15: Common stock dividends
Module 16: Debt policy
Module 17: Optimal corporate borrowing
Module 18: Financing and valuation: weighted average cost of capital
Module 19: Financing and valuation: adjusted present value
Module 20: Introduction to options
Module 21: Option valuation
Module 22: Real options
Module 23: Advanced option valuation
Module 24: Financial analysis and planning
VEE Financial Accounting (on-line course)
VEE Fin Accg textbook and course structure
FA practice exam questions
FA Mod 1: Financial Statements
FA Mod 2: Financial reporting standards
FA Mod 3: The income statement (statement of profit and loss)
FA Mod 4: The balance sheet (statement of financial position)
FA Mod 5: The Cash Flow Statement
FA Mod 6: Articulation of the income statement, balance sheet, and...
FA Mod 7: Financial analysis techniques
FA Mod 8: Earnings per share
FA Mod 9: Inventories
FA Mod 10: Accounting for long-lived assets
FA Mod 11: Long-term (non-current) liabilities
FA Mod 11: Operating leases and finance leases (no longer tested)
FA Mod 12: Accounting for income taxes
FA Mod 13: Deferred taxes assets and liabilities
FA Mod 14: Employee pensions and share-based compensation
FA Mod 15: Financial investments
FA Mod 16: Equity method of accounting
FA Mod 17: Business combinations
FA Mod 18: Foreign currency transactions
FA Mod 19: Foreign currency translation (no longer tested)
FA Mod 20: Insurance contracts: GAAP
FA Module 21: IFRS 17 (insurance contracts) General measurement model
FA Module 22: IFRS 17 (insurance contracts) Revenue + expense;...
FA Module 23: IFRS 17 Premium allocation approach; reinsurance...
FA Module 24: IFRS 17 (insurance contracts) Reconciliations of the...
VEE On-line Course: Mathematical Statistics
VEE Math Stat: textbook and course structure
MS statistical tables for final exam
MS practice exam questions
MS Module 1 Background and data visualization
MS Mod 2 Confidence intervals
MS Mod 3: Confidence intervals; t distributions; variances
MS Mod 4: Hypotheses and Test Procedures
MS Mod 5: Hypothesis testing of the mean
MS Mod 6: Hypothesis testing of proportions
MS Mod 7: Hypothesis testing – p values
MS Mod 8: Inferences Based on Two Samples
MS Mod 9: Two-Sample t Test and Confidence Interval
MS Mod 10: Paired data and Two Population Proportions & Variances
MS Mod 11: Single-Factor ANOVA
MS Mod 12: Expected values and β’s for ANOVA + unequal sample sizes
MS Mod 13: Two-Factor ANOVA without interaction effects
MS Mod 14: Two-factor ANOVA, interaction effects
MS Mod 15: Linear and logistic regression models
MS Mod 16: Regression estimates
MS Mod 17: Regression analysis confidence intervals and hypothesis...
MS Mod 18: Regression analysis: Fitted values and predictions
MS Mod 19: Correlation
MS Mod 20: Residuals and Standardized Residuals
MS Mod 21: Multiple regression analysis
MS Mod 22: χ2 tests
MS Mod 23: Actuarial risk classification
MS Mod 24: Actuarial risk classification – other bias functions
VEE Exam Course: Macroeconomics
Homework assignments
Course questions
Final exam
Macro practice exam questions
Macro Module 1: National Income Accounting
Macro Module 2: Economic Growth
Macro Module 3: Growth Models
Macro Module 4: Working with the Solow Growth Model
Macro Module 5: Conditional Convergence and Long-Run Economic Growth
Macro Module 6: Markets, Prices, Supply, and Demand
Macro Module 7: Market Clearing
Macro Module 8: Consumption, Savings, and Investment
Macro Module 9: An Equilibrium Business Cycle Model
Macro Module 10: Business Cycle Effects
Macro Module 11: Capital Utilization and Unemployment
Macro Module 12: Demand for Money
Macro Module 13: Price Levels and Seasonal Variations
Macro Module 14: Inflation and Interest Rates
Macro Module 15: Inflation, Interest Rates, and Money Growth
Macro Module 16: Government Expenditures
Macro Module 17: Temporary Changes in Government Expenditures and War...
Macro Module 18: Taxes
Macro Module 19: Public Debt
Macro Module 20: Debt and Social Security
Macro Module 21: Price mis-perceptions model, theory
Macro Module 22: Price mis-perceptions model, empirical evidence
Macro Module 23: Sticky prices (new Keynesian model)
Macro Module 24: New Keynesian model and sticky wages
VEE Exam Course: Regression Analysis John Fox text
Course scheduling
Homework assignments
Final exam
Fox Module 1 Statistical models
Fox Module 2 Basics of regression analysis
Fox Module 3 Univariate displays
Fox Module 4 Bivariate displays
Fox Module 5 Multivariate displays
Fox Module 6 Transforming data
Fox Module 7 Advanced transformations
Fox Module 8 Linear least squares regression
Fox Module 9 Multiple regression
Fox Module 10 Advanced multiple regression
Fox Module 11 Statistical inference for simple linear regression
Fox Module 12 Statistical inference for multiple regression
Fox Module 13 Dummy variable regression
Fox Module 14 Modeling interactions
Fox module 15 advanced interactions
Fox Module 16 Analysis of variance
Fox Module 17 Unusual and influential data
Fox Module 18 Outliers and Influence advanced
Fox Module 19 Heteroscedasticity
Fox Module 20 Collinearity
Fox Module 21 Generalized linear models concepts
Fox Module 22 Generalized linear models discrete and continuous data
Fox Module 23 Generalized linear models, probabilities
Fox Module 24 Student project requirements and templates
VEE Regression Analysis Student Project
Other Ideas: Parameter Stability and Heteroscedasticity
Loss Reserving
Project Template: Sports Won-Loss Statistics
Regression Analysis Student Project Samples
Student Projects: Read First (Basic Information)
RA student project questions
VEE Exam Course: Time Series Cryer Chan text
Homework assignments
Course scheduling
Final exam
TS Module 1 Time series overview
TS Module 2 Time series concepts
TS Module 3 Trends
TS Module 4 Regression methods
TS Module 5 Stationary moving average processes
TS Module 6 Stationary autoregressive processes
TS Module 7 Stationary mixed processes
TS Module 8 Non-stationary time series basics
TS Module 9 Non-stationary ARIMA time series
TS Module 10 Autocorrelation functions
TS Module 11 Simulated and actual time series
TS Module 12 Parameter estimation method of moments
TS Module 13 Parameter estimation least squares
TS Module 14 Model diagnostics
TS Module 15 Forecasting basics
TS Module 16 ARIMA Forecasting
TS Module 17 Forecasting bounds
TS Module 18 Forecast updates and weights
TS Module 19 Seasonal models basics
TS Module 20 Seasonal models advanced
TS Module 21 Building an ARIMA process
TS Module 22 Student projects interest rates
TS Module 23 Student projects sport statistics
TS Module 24 Student projects weather and demographics
VEE Time Series Student Project
Student Project Samples
Student Project General: Introduction, Write-up, Grading (Read First)
Time Series Project Templates
Interest Rates
ARIMA Modeling
Web Sites and Data Questions
Indices for TS Student Projects
Time Series Techniques
Time Series Student Project Samples
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