TS Module 5 Moving average MA(1) practice problems

TS Module 5 Moving average MA(1) practice problems

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TS Module 5 Moving average MA(1) practice problems


(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)


**Exercise 5.1: MA(1) Process


An MA(1) process has è1 = 0.4 and ó2e = 4.


A.    What is the variance of Yt?

B.    What is ã1 (covariance of Yt with Yt-1)?

C.    What is ñ1 (correlation of Yt with Yt-1)?



Part A: Yt = ì + åt – 0.4 åt-1



        The error terms in different periods are independent.

        Yt is the sum of two independent random variables with variances of 4 and (–0.4)2 × 4.



Var(Yt) = ã0 = 4 × (1 + 0.42) = 4.640


(See Cryer and Chan, chapter 4, equation 4.2.2 at the bottom of page 57)


Part B: We compute the covariance of Yt and Yt-1 = the covariance of


ì + åt – 0.4 åt-1 and ì + åt-1 – 0.4 åt-2


The error terms are uncorrelated. The only non-zero covariance is from the åt-1 term, which has a coefficient of –è for Yt and of +1 for Yt-1. We multiply by the variance of å.


ã1 = Covar(Yt,t-1) = – è1 ó2e = –0.4 × 4 = –1.600


(See Cryer and Chan, chapter 4, equation 4.2.2 at the bottom of page 57)


Part C: The correlation is the covariance divided by the standard deviation of each term. The standard deviation is constant for all terms, so the product of two standard deviations is the variance of the error term.


ñ1 = – è1 / (1 + è12) = –0.4 / (1 + 0.42) = –0.345


(See Cryer and Chan, chapter 4, equation 4.2.2 at the bottom of page 57)


The MA(1) process is simple. Final exam problems ask mostly AR(1), MA(1), AR(2), MA(2), and ARMA(1,1) among the stationary ARMA processes. Many exam problems invert the equations and derive the parameters from the observed sample autocorrelations.



**Question 5.2: Range of ñ1 for an MA(1) Process


What is the range of ñ1 for an MA(1) process?



A.    (– , + )

B.    (–1, +1)

C.    (– ½, +½)

D.    (0, 1)

E.    (0, + )



Answer 5.2: C



        The largest value possible for ñ1 is ½ when è1 = –1.

        The smallest value is ñ1 = –½ when è1 = +1.



(See Cryer and Chan page 58)



        Yt = ì + åtè åt-1

        Yt-1 = ì + åt-1è åt-2



ñ1 = –è / (1 + è2)


To see the range of this expression, look at its reciprocal: –(è + 1/è).



        As è   ±0 or as è   ± , this reciprocal   ± .

        As è   ±1, this reciprocal   ±2.




*Question 5.3: MA(1) Process


A statistician estimates è1 = 0.4 for an MA1 process from the value of ñ1. What other value of è1 leads to the same ñ1?



A.    –0.4

B.    0.16

C.    0.6

D.    1.4

E.    2.5



Answer 5.3: E


ñ1 = –è / (1 + è2) è and 1/è give the same ñ.


Note that if è is negative, 1/è is also negative.


See Cryer and Chan, chapter 4, bottom of page 58. Final exam problems often ask for the invertable root, or the è whose absolute value is less than one. An invertible MA(1) process has –1 < è < +1.



*Question 5.4: Time series graphs


The accompanying graph of a moving average time series is which of the following?



A.    MA(1) with è = +0.9

B.    MA(1) with è = -0.9

C.    MA(1) with è = +0.1

D.    MA(1) with è = -0.1

E.    MA(1) with è = 0



Answer 5.4: A


See Cryer and Chan, chapter 4, Exhibit 4.5 on page 61. The text on page 60 explains that


An MA(1) series with è = +0.9 has ñ1 = –0.497, giving moderately strong negative correlation at lag 1. In the graph, consecutive observations tend to be on opposite sides of the zero mean. If an observation is above the mean, the next observation tends to be below the mean, and vice versa. The plot has a jagged form.


Final exam problems may give a plot of an MA(1) process with è low or high and positive or negative.


Cryer and Chan generate this plot with the script:


win.graph(width = 7, height = 4, pointsize = 8)

plot(ma1.1.s, ylab=expression(Y[t]), yaxt="n", type = "o", las=1, main="MA(1) Time Series")

axis(side=2, at=c(-3:3))



*Question 5.5: Time series graphs


The accompanying graph of a moving average MA(1) time series has Yt-1 on the horizontal axis and Yt on the vertical axis. Which of the following is the most likely value of è?



A.    MA(1) with è = +0.9

B.    MA(1) with è = -0.9

C.    MA(1) with è = +0.1

D.    MA(1) with è = -0.1

E.    MA(1) with è = 0



Answer 5.5: A


The correlation of Yt-1 and Yt is strongly negative, implying a positive è close to one.


See Cryer and Chan, chapter 4, Exhibit 4.2 on page 59.


win.graph(width = 3, height = 3, pointsize = 8)

plot(y=ma1.1.s, x=zlag(ma1.1.s), ylab=expression(Y[t]), xlab=expression(Y[t-1]), type = "p", las=1, main="Plot of Y[t] vs Y[t-1] for MA(1) Time Series")


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