TS Module 3 Trends

TS Module 3 Trends

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TS Module 3 Trends


(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)


Time series practice problems means and correlations


*Question 3.1: Var()


A white noise process Yt = åt has 200 observations, with ã0 = 1.


What is Var()?


A.   0.001

B.   0.002

C.   0.005

D.   0.010

E.   0.050


Answer 3.1: C


ã0 = ó2 = 1.


Var() = (1/200)2 × 200 × ó2 = 1/200 = 0.005


(See Cryer and Chan page 28)


Var( ) = (ã0 / n) × [(1 + 2 × ñ1 × (n-1)/n ] = 1/200 = 0.00500




*Question 3.2: Autoregressive process


A stationary time series Y of 300 observations has ñk = (½)|k| for all k and ã0 = 1.


What is Var()?



A.   0.01

B.   0.03

C.   0.05

D.   0.15

E.   0.30


Answer 3.2: A


Var() ≈


= (1.5)/(0.5) × 1/300 = 0.01000




















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