How many student's projects should we do?

How many student's projects should we do?

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I got confused by the student projects. How many of them should we do? When is the deadline to hand them in?


[NEAS: A student project for regression and a student project for time series.  Candidates have different schedules, so the project has no deadline.  Ideally, do the project right after taking the final exam.  If you wait too long, you forget the course material and the project is harder.]

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I'm confused by what exactly is expected from us. Which posting has step by step instructions of what is needed from us to complete the regression analysis project??

[NEAS: Student Project Documentation; same posting on Regression Anaysis and Time Series student project discussion threads.]

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Where do I find information about the requirements for student projects? What is needed for an acceptable project?

[NEAS: The student project postings on the discussion forum answer this several times.

The student project has no required items. Each student project is different. The postings explain the items that your write-up should discuss, but these are broad generalizations.

If your student project applies regression analysis or time series techniques to actual data (whether empirical data from you company or form a web site, or even simulated data), and you explain your analysis well, your project will be accepted.]

Edited 12 Years Ago by NEAS
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