TS Module 15: Forecasting basics HW

TS Module 15: Forecasting basics HW

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page 202 has an example of a non-stationary ARIMA(1,1,1) process
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I did the reading but can't get started with the homework. The intuitive process NEAS sketched out doesn't make sense either. I think I'm getting confused when notations are written out like in the homework assignment. Can someone please clarify how to go about A?
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Group: Awaiting Activation
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The PDF downloads for this homework assignment don't work for me. My browser is giving me the error "duplicate headers received from server."

[NEAS: The PDF files work in our browser and have been downloaded 606 times. Can any one else verify if there is a problem with these files?]
Edited 11 Years Ago by NEAS
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Group: Awaiting Activation
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As stated, the first difference is a AR(1) process. But we can't use any of the AR(1) formulas on page 193, because we have a mean of 0 and those formulas only work for nonzero means.

Is this statement correct? I'm trying to figure out why equation 9.3.6 can't be used to solve part C.

Also, I had the same problem as pas (when using Chrome, I wasn't able to download the pdfs). But I re-opened this page in IE and was able to download the pdfs.
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