CorpFin Mod 1: Homework

CorpFin Mod 1: Homework

Gordon Ho
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Can I confirm the answer as follow?

Ex 1.1
(A) The expected return = 18.75%
(B) NPV(Health Club) = 848,214
(C) NPV(Project) = 48,214

Ex 1.2
(Part A)
- W will invest in both projects
- Y will invest in project yielding for 11%
- Z will invest in project yielding for 15%

(Part B)
- W will lend to Z with interest rate 8-12%


Edited 12 Years Ago by NEAS
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Gordon Ho - 2/8/2011 2:57:48 PM
Can I confirm the answer as follow?

Ex 1.1
(A) The expected return = 18.75%
(B) NPV(Health Club) = 848,214
(C) NPV(Project) = 48,214

Ex 1.2
(Part A)
- W will invest in both projects
- Y will invest in project yielding for 11%
- Z will invest in project yielding for 15%

(Part B)
- W will lend to Z with interest rate 8-12%


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