Seeing only Corporate Finance

Seeing only Corporate Finance

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Question: I am taking the corporate finance course, and I want to view only the postings on corporate finance. When I browse the discussion forums, I have to scroll down through the threads on microeconomics and macroeconomics before I get to corporate finance. Is there an easier way to see only corporate finance?

Answer: At the upper right hand corner of each course there is a minimize button. Click the minimize button and the threads for that course disappear. Click the minimize button and they re-appear. Minimize the threads for all courses that you are not taking.

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Posts: 1, Visits: 1
I can minimize the threads on the courses that I am not taking, but when I click the "back" button on my browser (Internet Explorer) to go back to the main discussion webpage all of the course threads have been re-maximized (including those for courses that I had already minimized). Is there a way to keep course threads permanently minimized until I click the minimize button again? 
Forum Newbie
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