Corpfin Mod 18: Weighted average cost of capital and debt refinancing: practice exam problem Corporate finance module 8: Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) Corporate finance module 8: WACC and debt refinancing Corporate finance module 8: Weighted average cost of capital formula BM Chapter 19 refinancing practice exam questions Corpfin, Mod 19: Debt tax shields and adjusted present value sample exam problem Corporate finance, Module 4: IRR and NPV sample final exam problem Corporate Finance, Module 3: Value of Common Stocks, practice problems Corporate Finance, Final Exam, Practice Problems, Leveraged Refinancing Corporate Finance, Final Exam, Practice Problems, Perfect Capital Markets Corporate Finance, Final Exam, Practice Problems: Tax Shields Corporate finance, Stocks, Efficient market hypothesis, practice exam problems Corporate finance, tax depreciation, practice exam problems Corporate finance, CAPM, miscellaneous, practice exam problems Corporate finance, CAPM, beta equation, practice exam problems