where do I download the hw assignments? and when is the deadline to submit them?

where do I download the hw assignments? and when is the deadline to...

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wwmaple - 11/21/2010 11:08:57 PM

Hey, I just registered for the Fall 2010 session. Where do I download the hw assignments? and where can I find out the submission deadlines for each assignment?

[NEAS: The homework assignments are in each module (labeled "HW"). No deadlines are set, but you do not receive course credit until you submit the required number of completed homework assignments.]


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Posts: 1, Visits: 1

Hey, I just registered for the Fall 2010 session. Where do I download the hw assignments? and where can I find out the submission deadlines for each assignment?

[NEAS: The homework assignments are in each module (labeled "HW"). No deadlines are set, but you do not receive course credit until you submit the required number of completed homework assignments.]

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