TS Module 7 Stationary mixed processes practice problems
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Time series practice problems residuals
*Question 7.1: Expected Value
An ARMA(2,4) process has moving average parameters èj = 0.5j for j = 1 to 4 and autoregressive parameters ök = 0.6k for k = 1 to 2. The parameter ä = è0 = 0, and ó2 = 1. All values for t < 12 were the mean, and all residuals for t < 12 were zero.
If å12 = 1, what is the expected value of (å13 – å14) × (å13 + å14)?
A. –0.5
B. –0.25
C. 0
D. +0.11
E. +0.42
Answer 7.1: C
(å13 – å14) × (å13 + å14) = å132 – å142
The expected value of the squared residual is constant.
*Question 7.2: Error Terms
A correctly specified ARMA(p,q) process has moving average parameters èj = 0.5j for j = 1 to 4 and autoregressive parameters ök = 0.366k for k = 1 to 2. The parameter ä = è2 = 5, and ó2 = 1.
Let åj be the residual for the jth value. What is the expected value of ñ(å1,å2)?
A. –1/6
B. –1/12
C. 0
D. 1/12
E. 1/6
Answer 7.2: C
If the time series process is correctly specified, any serial correlation is eliminated by the moving average parameters.
The expected value of the correlation of the residuals depends on the serial correlation of the time series. If the time series is correctly specified, this value is zero. In practice, many time series do not eliminate all the serial correlation; many items can cause serial correlation.
Illustration: Sales figures are affected by inflation, population growth, changes in income, changes in taste, introduction of new products, and a host of other factors. Most of these are serially correlated, and they cause serial correlation in the time series of sales figures. We can not always eliminate the serial correlation with a moving average or autoregressive model.
*Question 7.3: Error Terms
åj is the residual for the jth value in an AR(1) process with ö = 0.5. If the expected variance of åj is 2 and the actual value of åj is 4, what is the expected value of åj+1?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
Answer 7.3: A
The expected value of the residual is zero, regardless of the past values, as long as the process is correctly specified.