General Homework questions

General Homework questions

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 10, Visits: 1

For the homework assignments, do we just need to send in the numerical answers, or do you look for how we worked out the problem and/or a written explanation?

[NEAS: Send brief explanation as well.]

Forum Newbie
Forum Newbie (2 reputation)Forum Newbie (2 reputation)Forum Newbie (2 reputation)Forum Newbie (2 reputation)Forum Newbie (2 reputation)Forum Newbie (2 reputation)Forum Newbie (2 reputation)Forum Newbie (2 reputation)Forum Newbie (2 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 1

Can I mail my all homework along with the final exam at once?

Are they sent to the same address?

should my proctor send Neas any documents or complete some forms to prove he is a qualified proctor? if so, when should he send back this documents? before the final exam or along with the final exam?

[NEAS: Yes, you can mail all the homework at once. The final exam is mailed by the proctor. No documents are needed for qualify the proctor.]


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