Exam arrangement

Exam arrangement

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Posts: 2, Visits: 17
I am a student located in Asia and I am taking Regression and Time Series this winter. I understand the exams will be held on the beginning of business days in my region - does it mean I will be taking Regression exam on my Wednesday morning (18/3) and Time Series on the next Monday morning (23/3)? 
And how does the exam procedures work? NEAS will email the exam paper to my proctor?  
Desperately hope someone can help - I tried to email the NEAS admin mailbox and got no reply, but I need to confirm the schedule with my proctor asap.
[NEAS: Call or send an email to Mary Ann at the NEAS office, who handles exam administration; she will reply the same day.]
Edited 10 Years Ago by NEAS
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PanActu - 10 Years Ago

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