Module 11: Statistical inference for simple linear regression practice problems
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** Exercise 11.1: Key assumptions of classical regression analysis
Classical regression analysis is based on the statistical model yj = " + $1 xj1 + $2 xj2 + … + $k xjk + ,j.
Explain the following key assumptions of classical regression analysis:
A. Linearity of the relation between the explanatory variables and the response variable
B. Constant variance of the error term
C. Normality of the error term
D. Independence of the error terms
E. Explanatory variables are fixed or have no measurement error
F. X values are not invariant: they have at least two values
Part A: The linearity assumption is that the expected error term is zero: E(,j) = 0
Jacob: Do you mean that the average y-value is a linear function of the average x-values? We show this by
taking expectations:
E(yj) = E(" + $1 xj1 + $2 xj2 + … + $k xjk + ,j) A ¯y = " + $1 ¯x1 + $2 ¯x2 + … + $k ¯xk
Rachel: Your explanation shows that the means of the observed X values and the mean of the observed Y
values lie on the fitted regression line. The value of A (the least squares estimator of ") is chosen to force this
relation. Mean squared estimators have the property that
¯y = A + B1 ¯x1 + B2 ¯x2 + … + Bk ¯xk
This relation is true even if the true relation between Y and the X-values is not linear. It reflects the estimation
method, not the attributes of the relation.
The linearity assumption is that the expected error term is zero at each point: E(,j) = 0 for all j.
Jacob: Are you saying that the expected value of each observed residual is zero?
Rachel: Distinguish between the observed residual and the error term.
! The observed residual is the observed response variable Y minus the linear function of the observed
explanatory variables, using the ordinary least squares estimators (A and B) for the parameters.
! The error term is the expected response variable Y at any point minus the linear function of the observed
explanatory variables, using the population regression parameters " and $.
The population regression parameters " and $ specify the relation between the explanatory variables and the
response variable. The ordinary least squares estimators A and B are linear functions of the sample values.
A and B are not the same as " and $. The linearity assumption says the expected value of the error term at
each point is zero, not that the expected value of the residual using the ordinary least squares estimators is
zero at each point.
Jacob: Can you show how the linearity assumption relates to the expected value of the error term?
Rachel: Suppose the true relation is Y = 1 + X2 + ,, which is not linear. We fit a regression line through three
points: X = (0, 1, 2), for which the expected Y values are (1, 2, 5).
The ordinary least squares estimators A and B depend on the sample values. They are unbiased estimators
of " and $. They are linear functions of the observed y-values, so the expected values of A and B are fitted
values using the expected values of Y at each point. This fitted regression line is Y = 0.66667 + 2X + ,.
The expected residuals are computed in the table below:
X-value Expected Y
Fitted Y
0 1 0.66667 0.33333
1 2 2.66667 -0.66667
2 5 4.66667 0.33333
! X = 0: expected residual = 0.33333.
! X = 1: expected residual = –0.66667.
! X = 2: expected residual = 0.33333.
Intuition: The linearity assumption says that the expected error term at each X value is zero, not that the mean
residuals for the sample points is zero. The second statement is an attribute of least squares estimators; the
first statement is an assumption of classical regression analysis.
Jacob: Is the expected error term over all X values zero even if the true relation is not linear?
Rachel: The expected residual over all X values is zero whether or not the true relation is linear.
But the X values are fixed in experimental studies and are measured without error in observational studies.
They do not have an error term; the only random variables with an error term in the regression equation are
, and Y.
Jacob: GLM stands for generalized linear model, implying that the relation is linear. But GLMs are used when
the response variable is not a linear function of the explanatory variables.
Rachel: The term generalized linear means that the response variable is a function of a linear combination
of the explanatory variables. This function is inverse of the link function. That is, the link function of the fitted
response variable is a linear function of the explanatory variables.
Part B: The variance of the error term is the same at each X value: var (,j) = F2
å = constant for all xj.
Illustration: If F2
å = 2 at x = 1, then F2
å = 2 at x = 3
Jacob: Another textbook says that the variance of the error term is the same at each expected Y value.
Rachel: E(Y) = " + $ × X, so the expected Y values map one to one into the X values. The variance of the
error term is the same for all observations.
Intuition: Generalized linear models differ from classical regression analysis several ways, including the
relation of the variance of the response variable to its mean.
! For generalized linear models, the variance of yj is often a function of íj.
! For classical regression analysis, the variance of yj is independent of íj.
Jacob: Is constant variance a reasonable assumption?
Rachel: The assumption of constant variance may not reflect actual conditions, but it underlies the formulas
for ordinary least squares estimators.
Illustration: Suppose we regress annual income of actuaries on the number of exams they have passed, with
" = 30,000 and $ = 10,000.
! Students with no exams have average annual incomes of 30,000.
! Average income increases $10,000 an exam, so actuaries with nine exams have average incomes of
This assumed relation is the population regression parameters: the relation of income to exams is linear.
Actual salaries are not the same for all actuaries at a given exam level.
! Students with no exams get about the same starting salary. The actual range is narrow, perhaps 28,000
to 32,000.
! Experienced actuaries vary: some are gifted statisticians or managers and earn 160,000, and some are
poor workers and earn 80,000.
Even if the response variable is a linear function of the explanatory variable, the variance is rarely constant.
Jacob: This illustration shows that omitted variables may be more important for actuaries with more exams.
It does not relate the variance to the size of the explanatory variable.
Rachel: GLMs show the relation of the variance of the response variable to its mean (fitted) value.
The relation of the variance to the mean depends on the conditional distribution of the response variable.
! General insurance claim counts have Poisson distributions or negative binomial distributions: the variance
is proportional to the mean.
! General insurance claim severities have lognormal or Gamma distributions: the standard deviation is
proportional to the mean.
! Life insurance mortality rates have binomial distributions: the variance is proportional to B × (1 – B).
Jacob: If the variance of the response variable depends on its mean, why not use that as our assumption?
Rachel: In real statistical applications, we often do. We use weighted least squares estimators or GLMs (which
use iterated weighted least squares estimators). The assumption of constant variance underlies the formulas
for ordinary least squares estimators.
Part C: Normality: The error terms have a normal distribution with a mean of zero and a variance of F2
,j - N(0, F2
Jacob: Why not state these first three assumptions in the reverse order?
! First, the error terms have a normal distribution. This seems most important.
" If the error terms have a Poisson distribution, Gamma distribution, or binomial distribution, their
variance depends on the expected value of the response variable.
" If the error terms have a normal distribution, their variance may or may not be constant.
! Second, the variance of the error term is the same at all points. This assumption underlies the formulas
for the ordinary least squares estimators.
" If the error terms have a normal distribution with constant variance, the least squares estimators are
also maximum likelihood estimators.
! Third, the mean of the error term is zero. If it equals k . 0, add k to " to get a mean error term of zero.
Rachel: On the contrary: the first three assumptions are listed in order of importance.
! The first assumption is critical if the expected error term is not zero at each point, the response variable
is not a linear function of the explanatory variables. The model is not correctly specified, so it is biased.
Jacob: Is the model biased only if it is structural, not if it is empirical?
Rachel: Fox says: Omission of explanatory variables causes bias only for structural relations, not for empirical
relations. Model specifiication error causes bias for both types of relation.
! The second assumption is also important: if the variance of the error term is not constant, we should give
greater weight to points with lower variance when fitting the regression line. The simple functional forms
for A and B (the ordinary least squares estimators for " and $) would not be correct.
! The third assumption is not that important. If the mean of the error term is zero and its variance is
constant, the regression line is still the most efficient estimator along all unbiased linear estimators even
if the distribution of the error terms is not normal.
Jacob: If the assumption about a normal distribution is not important, why do we include it?
Rachel: This assumption is underlies the formulas for the standard errors of the regression coefficients, the
t-values, the p-values, and the confidence intervals.
! If the error terms have a normal distribution with constant variance, we exact standard errors, t-values,
p-values, and confidence intervals.
! If the error terms do not have a normal distribution, these values are not exact. They are asymptotically
correct for large samples (under reasonable conditions), but they are not exact.
! The standard errors, t-values, p-values, and confidence intervals are not exact, but they are reasonably
good if the variance of the error terms is constant. If this variance is not constant, we use weighted least
squares or generalized linear models.
Jacob: Is this assumption of normally distributed error terms generally true?
Rachel: The central limit theorem implies that it is a good approximation if the explanatory variables are the
sum of independent random variables of similar size.
Jacob: Another textbook says that the Y values have a conditional normal distribution.
Rachel: yj = " + $1 xj1 + $2 xj2 + … + $k xjk + ,j. The only random variable on the right side of the equation is ,j,
so if ,j has a normal distribution, yj has a normal distribution. Fox says: “Equivalently, the conditional
distribution of the response variable is normal: Yj - N(" + $xj, F2
Jacob: How does a conditional distribution differ from a distribution?
Rachel: The term distribution (or probability distribution) has two meanings. The regression analysis formulas
use both meanings, which is confusing to some candidates.
The sample distribution is the distribution of the observed values in the sample. The values of F2(x) and F2(y)
are the sample distributions of the observed x- and y-values.
The conditional distribution is the distribution of the random variable about its expected value. The explanatory
variable is chosen by the statistician (in experimental studies) or observed without error in observational
studies, so it has no conditional distribution. The response variable is a random variable. It has a conditional
distribution at each point.
Jacob: How do these distributions differ for the error term?
Rachel: The error terms are independent and identically distributed. Each error term is normally distributed
with a mean of zero and a variance of F2
å, so the distribution of all error terms is also normally distributed with
a mean of zero and a variance of F2
Take heed: This is the distribution of the population of error terms. The sample distribution of the observed
values does not have a mean of zero and a variance of F2
å (unless N ÿ 4). The sample distribution of the
residuals has a mean of zero (by construction) and a variance whose expected value is F2
å but whose actual
value may differ.
Jacob: How do these distributions differ for the response variable?
Rachel: The expected value of yj is " + $ × xj. The sample distribution of the y-values does not have a normal
distribution. Each yj is " + $ × xj + ,j, so each response variable has a normal distribution with a mean of its
expected value and a variance of F2
Independence of error terms vs time series
Part D: Independence: the error terms are independent: ,j, ,k are independent for j . k
Jacob: Independence seems generally true. If we regress home prices on home sizes, why would the error
term for observation j+1 depend on error term for observation j?
Rachel: We have two statistics on-line courses: one for regression analysis and one for time series. In a time
series, random fluctuations persist at least one more period. The formulas for confidence intervals of forecasts
differ from the formulas in the regression analysis course.
Jacob: Why does a regression where the response variable is a time series create problems?
Rachel: If the response variable is a time series, the expected value of the error term is not zero at each point,
and the error term at point j+1 depends on the error term at point j. Suppose we regress the daily temperature
on explanatory variables like cloud cover, amount of smog, carbon dioxide emissions, and humidity. These
explanatory variables may affect the daily temperature, but we have omitted the effect of the previous day's
temperature. The least squares estimate for the variance of the error term is too large.
Jacob: A time series looks at values over time. What if all data points are from the same time, such as daily
temperatures from the same day at different places?
Rachel: A time series can be temporal or spacial. The daily temperature is similar in adjacent cities and less
similar at the distance between the cities increases.
Illustration: Home prices may be a linear function of plot size and the number of rooms. But home prices have
both spacial and temporal relations as well.
! Homes in adjacent locations have more similar prices than homes in different states or countries.
! Home prices for all properties fluctuate over time with interest rates, recessions, and tax rates.
Illustration: Suppose we measure daily temperature in a city on the equator. The expected daily temperature
is 80E every day of the year, with on seasonal fluctuations, but random fluctuations cause the temperature to
vary from 60E to 100E. Daily temperature is a time series:.if the temperature is high one day, it will probably
be high the next day as well, since the high temperature reflects weather patterns that persist for several days.
The Fox textbook says: “The assumption of independence needs to be justified by the procedures of data
collection. For example, if the data constitute a simple random sample drawn from a large population, then
the assumption of independence will be met to a close approximation. In contrast, if the data comprise a time
series, then the assumption of independence may be very wrong.”
Jacob: Another textbook says that any two Y values are independent: each yj is normally distributed and
independent. Does this mean
! that Yj - Yk is independent of j - k (that is, Yj+1 is independent of Yj), or
! that Yj - íj is independent of Yk - ík?
Rachel: yj = " + $1 xj1 + $2 xj2 + … + $k xjk + ,j. The only random variable on the right side of the equation is ,j,
and íj = " + $1 xj1 + $2 xj2 + … + $k xjk, so if ,j and ,k are independent, yj - íj and yk - ík are independent.
The Fox textbook says: “Any pair of errors ,i and ,j (or, equivalently, conditional response variables Yi and Yj)
are independent for i . j.
Explanatory variables: fixed or measured without error
Part E: The explanatory variables (X values) are fixed.
! In experimental studies, the statistician picks explanatory variables and observes the response variable.
! In observational studies, the explanatory variables are measured without error.
Jacob: Are actuarial pricing studies experimental studies?
! To see how sex affects claim frequency, one picks 100 male drivers and 100 female drivers.
! To see how age affects claim frequency, one picks 100 youthful drivers and 100 adult drivers.
Rachel: Actuarial pricing studies are observational studies, not experimental studies. The actuary observes
male drivers and female drivers; the actual does not create male drivers and female drivers. Sex and age are
attributes of the driver, not interventions.
Jacob: What is an intervention?
Rachel: In experimental studies, the researcher creates the explanatory variable. A clinical trial for a new drug
uses 100 randomly selected subjects show are given the drug and 100 randomly selected subjects are are
not given the drug (or given a placebo). Any subject may be shifted between the two groups (control group
vs treatment group). In contrast, a driver can not be shifted between male and female drivers by changing sex.
Jacob: Why is the difference between attributes and interventions important?
Rachel: Attributes are often correlated with other (omitted) explanatory variables. Attributes may create biases
in structural relations; interventions are less likely to create biases if they are truly random.
Illustration: An actuary regresses motor insurance claim frequency on urban vs rural territories and concludes
that urban drivers have higher claim frequency than rural drivers. But territory is not the cause, so the study
is biased. The actual causes of the territorial difference are the attributes of residents of cities vs rural areas.
Illustration: Duncan’s Canadian occupational prestige is an observational study, as are most social science
and actuarial studies.
Observational studies
In observational studies, the explanatory variables values are observed, not fixed by design.
Jacob: Are the observed x-values a random sample?
Rachel: The term random sample has several meanings. An actuary comparing urban vs rural drivers may
use all drivers in the insurer’s data base or a random sample of those drivers. But this sample (or population)
is not random. The insurer may write business in states or countries where urban drives are poorer than rural
or suburban drivers. The regression analysis may not apply to places where urban drivers are richer than rural
or suburban drivers. In some European and Asian countries, urban residents are wealthier than suburban or
rural residents.
The statistical term randomized means that an intervention is applied randomly to subjects. The subjects have
no other differences than the random application of the intervention.
Illustration: Patients are randomly assigned the new vs the old medication. Even the doctors and nurses do
not know which patients receive which medication.
Accurate measurement
In observational studies, explanatory variables are measured without error and are independent of the errors.
If the explanatory variables are random, or if we do not measure them precisely, our estimates have another
source of random fluctuation.
Illustration: A statistician regresses home values on area of the house or the lot. The regression depends on
accurate measurement of the area. We assume the area is measured without errors.
Jacob: Is this assumption reasonable?
Rachel: It is often reasonable. Life insurance mortality rates and personal auto claim frequencies depend on
the age and sex of the policyholder (or driver). Age and sex are not random variables, and we measure them
without random errors. Age and sex are attributes, not interventions, so they are not independent of the causal
variables affecting mortality rates and claim frequency, but they are measured without error,.
Part F: X is not invariant: the data points have at least two X values. If the X value is the same for all data
points, the least squares estimators are " = ¯y (the mean of the y-values).
Jacob: Do we infer that $ = 0 if all the x-values are the same?
Rachel: We can not infer anything about $, since no data show how a change in x affects y.
Jacob: Does invariance that mean that no X values should be the same?
Rachel: On the contrary, many X values are the same in regression analyses. Suppose we regress personal
auto claim frequency on sex and age of the driver and the territory in which the car is garaged. Sex has two
values, age may be one of three values (youthful, adult, retired), and the state may have ten territories. If the
regression uses 100,000 cars, many sets of X values are identical.
** Exercise 11.2: Expected values
Which of the following statements stem from the assumptions of classical regression analysis?
xj is the value of the explanatory variable at point j.
,j is the value of the error term at point j.
yj is the observed value of the explanatory variable at point j.
íj is the fitted value of the explanatory variable at point j.
A. The correlation of xj with ,j is zero.
B. The correlation of íj with ,j is zero.
C. The correlation of yj with ,j is zero.
Part A: Classical regression analysis assumes the error term is independent of the explanatory variables.
Part B: í = " + $ × x, so the correlation of í with , is D(,, " + $ × x) = D(,, ") + $ × D (,, x) = 0 + $ × 0 = 0.
Part C: y = í + ,, so D(y, ,) . 0. When , > 0, y > í, and when , < 0, y < í. We state two implications:
! For any given observation j, ,j and yj are random variables that are perfectly correlated.
! For all observations combined, ,j and yj are random variables that are positively correlated.
** Exercise 11.3: Expected values
Which of the following statements stem from the assumptions of classical regression analysis?
xj is the value of the explanatory variable at point j.
,j is the value of the error term at point j.
yj is the observed value of the explanatory variable at point j.
íj is the fitted value of the explanatory variable at point j.
A. The expected value of xj × ,j is zero.
B. The expected value of yj × ,j is zero.
C. The expected value of íj × ,j is zero.
Solution 11.3: The solution to this exercise follows from the previous exercise.
Part A: D(xj, ,j) = 0, so E(xj × ,j) = 0
Part B: D(yj, ,j) > 0, so E(yj × ,j) . 0
Part C: D(íj, ,j) = 0, so E(íj × ,j) = 0
** Exercise 11.4: Least-squares coefficients
A regression model with N observations and k explanatory variables is
yj = " + $1 xj1 + $2 xj2 + … + $k xjk + ,j.
Under the assumptions of classical regression analysis, the least-squares coefficients have five attributes.
Explain each of these attributes.
A. Linear functions of the data
B. Unbiased estimators of the population regression coefficients
C. The most efficient unbiased linear estimators of the population regression coefficients
D. The same as the maximum likelihood estimators
E. Normally distributed
Part A: The least squares coefficients are linear functions of the observed data.
Jacob: How are they linear functions? B = 3(xi – ¯x)(yi – ¯y) / 3(xi – ¯x)2. This has terms of xi yi in the numerator
and x2i in the denominator. A = ¯y – B × ¯x, so A is also a function of both the x and y values.
Rachel: The observed data are the response variable (the Y values), not the explanatory variables (X values).
! The explanatory variable is fixed, not a random variable.
! The error term is a random variable is a fixed (but usually unknown) variance F2
! " and $ are unknown population regression parameters, not random variables which we estimate.
! The response variable yj is a random variable with
" a mean of " + $ × xj
" a variance of F2
The least squares estimator B is a linear function of the yj.
! If we repeat the regression analysis, B will differ from the first analysis, since the y-values differ.
! The x-values do not differ in the two experimental studies.
! If we repeat the regression analysis many times, the mean B values approaches $.
The xj are the coefficients of the linear function of the y-values.
Jacob: Must we know these coefficients for the on-line course?
Rachel: The fitted values íj are A + B xj. A and B are linear functions of the observed y-values, so each í value
is also a linear function of all the observed y-values. The module on hat-values gives the coefficients of this
linear function.
Jacob: Most regression analysis in the social sciences (and in actuarial work) are observational studies, not
experimental studies, where the x-values are chosen from observed values. Aren’t they random variables?
Rachel: Even for observational studies, where X values are observed (not fixed by the statistician), the values
are measured without error. They are not random variables, since they have no standard error.
Illustration: An actuary regresses life insurance mortality rates on sex and age. The observed mortality rate
is a random variable (with a binomial distribution). Sex and age may be sampled from the insurer’s data, but
they are fixed quantities with no measurement error.
Illustration: A real estate broker regresses home prices on the number of rooms and the size of the home. The
home price is a random variable, which may fluctuate from day to day, depending on the offers by potential
buyers. The number of rooms and the size of the home are depend on the homes available for sale but they
are fixed quantities with no measurement error.
Jacob: What difference does measurement error make?
Rachel: Classical regression analysis assumes Yj = " + $ Xj + ,j. If the Xj have measurement error, we are
regressing Yj on (Xj + the measurement error). The inferences of the regression analysis, such as the variance
of the error terms, no longer hold.
Part B: The least squares estimator are unbiased estimators of the population regression coefficients.
Jacob: $ is a fixed but unknown population regression parameter; B is a random variable.
! If B = $, then B is correct.
! If B > $, B is too high.
! If B < $, B is too low.
If B > $, doesn’t that mean that B is biased upward? If B < $, doesn’t that mean that B is biased downward?
We want the correct figures, not figures that are too high or too low.
Rachel: B is a random variable, with errors that are normally distributed. B is never exactly equal to $ because
of random fluctuations, but the expected value of B is $.
Don’t confuse an over-estimate or under-estimate with a biased estimator.
! An estimate may be too high or too low even if it is unbiased.
! An estimator can be biased or unbiased.
Illustration: Suppose the true linear relation is
motor insurance accident frequency = 0.0005% × distance driven each year (in miles or kilometers).
A regression gives B = 0.0007% on one sample and 0.0004% on another sample. If we repeat the regression
an unlimited number of times, the average B should be 0.0005% (if the assumptions of classical regression
analysis hold).
Jacob: Aren’t most estimators unbiased? Why would anyone use a biased estimator?
Rachel: Some estimators are unbiased, some are biased. Actuaries use biased estimators for many studies,
since they may reduce the mean squared error.
Illustration: An actuary examines claim sizes, where the size-of-loss distribution is lognormal. Some actuaries
use the median or a mean excluding the highest and lowest values to avoid distortion by random large losses.
These estimators are useful, especially if the sample is small, but they are biased. The median and the exhigh-
low mean understate the true mean of lognormal distribution.
Part C: Suppose we have a random sample of ten numbers from a normal distribution with a mean of :. We
estimate the mean of the normal distribution three ways:
! Method #1: The average of the highest and lowest numbers.
! Method #2: The average of all numbers except the highest and lowest numbers.
! Method #3: The average of all the numbers.
If the numbers are normal distributed, all three methods are unbiased. We repeat the random sample 10,000
times, getting three estimators for each sample. Each method gives 10,000 estimates.
Let kBj be estimate #j for method #k. For example, 2B1,000 is the 1,000th estimate for method #2. If all methods
are unbiased, 31Bj / 10,000 = 32Bj / 10,000 = 33Bj / 10,000 = :.
The squared error is (kBj – :)2, and the mean squared error is 3 (kBj – :)2 / 10,000. The three estimators do
not have the same mean squared error. Rather
3(1Bj – :)2 / 10,000 > 3(2Bj – :)2 / 10,000 > 3(3Bj – :)2 / 10,000.
An estimator with a lower mean squared error is more efficient. The least squares estimators are the most
efficient linear estimators.
Jacob: Perhaps one of the samples has an unusually high figure that occurs rarely. In this case, Method #2
might have a lower mean squared error than Method #3.
Rachel: You are right. Instead of 10,000, we should say N estimates. In the limit, as N ÿ 4,
3(1Bj – :)2 / N > 3(2Bj – :)2 / N > 3(3Bj – :)2 / N.
Jacob: Why is the word linear in the line: the least squares estimators are the most efficient linear estimators?
Rachel: Other estimators, such as maximum likelihood estimators, may be more efficient, but they are not
linear functions of the observed values. (But see the answer to Part D.)
Part D: The maximum likelihood estimators are the best estimators. Maximum likelihood is covered in later
modules, not here. If the classical regression assumptions are true, the least squares estimators are also the
maximum likelihood estimators.
Jacob: Part C says that non-linear estimators (like maximum likelihood estimators) may be more efficient than
ordinary least squares estimators. Part D says that the maximum likelihood estimators are the best, and that
ordinary least squares estimators are the same as the maximum likelihood estimators. Is this contradictory?
Rachel: Part C assumes linearity, constant variance, and independence; it does not assume that the error
terms have a normal distribution. Part D assumes the error terms have a normal distribution. Fox says: when
the error distribution is heavier tailed than normal, the least squares estimators may be much less efficient
than certain robust-regression estimators, which are not linear functions of the data.
Part E: The least squares estimators are normally distributed.
Jacob: An estimate is a scalar, like B = 1.183 or B = 25,000. B doesn’t have a distribution.
Rachel: Suppose the true $ is 100. We take 10,000 samples of 10 data points each, and for each sample we
compute B. The 10,000 B’s have a normal distribution with a mean of $.
Jacob: Why do we care about the distribution of the ordinary least squares estimators?
Rachel: The standard errors of the estimators, t-values, p-values, and confidence intervals assume a normal
distribution for the estimators. If the true distribution is not normal, the estimator may still be unbiased, but the
formulas to calculate standard errors of the estimators, t-values, p-values, and confidence intervals are not
** Exercise 11.5: Empirical association vs causal relation
Fox distinguishes between empirical association and causal relation.
If an explanatory variable X2 is omitted from a regression equation, the incomplete regression equation (using
only X1) is biased if the following three conditions are true. Explain each of them.
A. The regression equation represents a causal relation (a structural model), not an empirical association.
B. The omitted explanatory variable X2 is a cause of the response variable Y.
C. The omitted explanatory variable X2 is correlated with the explanatory variable X1.
Part A: Suppose the response variable is the annual trend in workers’ compensation loss costs, and the two
explanatory variables are X1 = wage inflation and X2 = medical inflation. Workers’ compensation has two
pieces: indemnity benefits, which increase with wage inflation, and medical benefits, which increase with
medical inflation. For simplicity, suppose indemnity and medical benefits are each 50% of total benefits, and
no other items besides wage and medical inflation affect workers’ compensation loss costs.
The proper regression equation is Y = 0.500 X1 + 0.500 X2 + ,j
Wage inflation and medical inflation are correlated, since both reflect monetary inflation. Suppose their
average values are 5% per annum and their correlation is 80%.
An actuary uses the regression equation Y = " + $1 X1 + ,j
The least squares estimators are A = 1% and B1 = 0.900.
Question: Is this regression equation biased?
Answer: If the regression equation represents an empirical association, it is correct. Wage inflation (X1) has
a 90% correlation with workers’ compensation loss costs: 50% through indemnity benefits and 50% × 80%
= 40% through medical benefits. If the regression equation represents a causal relation, it is biased. If wage
inflation increases 1% but medical inflation does not change, workers’ compensation loss costs increase
0.5%, not 0.9%.
Jacob: The population regression parameter " is zero, so shouldn’t A be zero as well?
Rachel: Only 80% of medical inflation affects the regression equation with a $1 parameter but no $2 parameter.
The average medical inflation is 5% per annum, so 20% × 5% = 1% is included in A.
Part B: The second and third conditions are that
! The omitted explanatory variable X2 is a cause of the response variable Y.
! The omitted explanatory variable X2 is correlated with another explanatory variable X1.
Question: Why does this say that X2 is a cause of the response variable Y but is just correlated with X1?
Answer: Suppose we regress workers’ compensation loss cost trends on inflation. Assume (for simplicity) that
inflation causes the loss cost trend and it also determines the nominal interest rate. That is, 1% higher inflation
causes a 1% higher trend and 1% higher nominal interest rate. In this example, X1 = inflation, X2 = interest
rate, and Y = loss cost trend. X2 is omitted from the regression equation, and it is correlated with Y and X1,
but no bias exists, since interest rates do not cause loss cost trends.
** Exercise 11.6: Bias
A statistician regresses Y on explanatory variable X1 but does not use a second explanatory variable X2. The
regression line is Y = " + $ X1 + ,
Under what combination of the following conditions is the estimate of $ biased?
A. D(Y, X1) = 0
B. D(Y, X2) = 0
C. D(Y, X1) . 0
D. D(Y, X2) . 0
E. D(X1, X2) = 0
F. D(X1, X2) . 0
G. X1 has a causal effect on Y
H. X2 has a causal effect on Y
I. X1 does not have a causal effect on Y
J. X2 does not have a causal effect on Y
K. The regression equation is structural (the explanatory variables cause the response variable)
L. The regression equation is associative (explanatory variables are correlated with the response variable)
Solution 11.6: F, H, and K
Suppose higher money supply growth causes higher inflation, which causes higher nominal interest rates.
Type of relation: An associative relation gives the empirical relation of X1 and Y. Ignoring other variables is
not relevant. Nominal interest rates are empirically related to the money supply growth rate, so a regression
on interest rates on money supply growth is fine. But inflation is the cause of higher nominal interest rates.
The regression of nominal interest rates on the money supply growth rate is not a proper causal relation. It
is biased, since it ignores the effects on inflation.
Causal effect: The nominal interest rate and the inflation rate are correlated. A structural regression of interest
rates on the money supply growth rate is biased, since the omitted variable (inflation) is a cause of higher
interest rates. A structural regression of inflation rates on the money supply growth rate is not biased, since
the omitted variable (interest rates) is not the cause of higher inflation rates.
Correlation: A structural regression of interest rates on the money supply growth rate is biased, since the
omitted variable (inflation) is correlated with the money supply growth rate.
** Question 11.7: Observational studies
In observational studies, the X values are sampled, not fixed by design. In these studies, which of the following
is an assumption of classical regression analysis?
A. The explanatory variable is measured without error and is independent of the error.
B. The explanatory variable and the error are independent and unbiased.
C. The explanatory variable and the error are independent and efficient.
D. The error is a linear function of the explanatory variable.
E. The regression assumptions are not satisfied in observational studies.
Answer 11.7: A
Jacob: What are observational studies vs experimental studies?
Rachel: Suppose we want to assess the effects of diet and exercise on weight gain or loss.
In an experimental study, we specify the diet and exercise regime for N persons. The first person might be
given a diet of 1,000 calories each of carbohydrates, fat, and proteins, with a 30 minute exercise regime. The
second might be given a diet of 1,500 calories each of carbohydrates and proteins (with no fats), with a 60
minute exercise regime. For each person, the explanatory variables are fixed by the research study. We then
observe the weight gain or loss during the period.
In an observational study, we observe N persons. For each person, we record the diet and the exercise each
day. We then observe the weight gain or loss during the period.
Jacob: What is the advantage of observational studies?
Rachel: It is relatively easy to record the diet and exercise of each person. Each person records all food and
exercise in a diary. It is not easy to specify what each person will eat every day, or what exercise each person
will do.
Jacob: What are the drawbacks of observational studies?
Rachel: The drawbacks are measurement error, spread of the explanatory variables, and bias.
Measurement error: People tend to mis-estimate or ignore personal data. In a study of weight gain, a person
may say he had a small slice of pizza instead of a large one or may ignore a ice cream sundae.
Spread: Most people have similar percentages of carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Observational studies with
low variances of the explanatory variables have high standard errors of the regression coefficients.
Bias: People who eat more are often larger, so they may gain more weight. To hold constant other explanatory
variables, experimental studies randomly assign diets to a sample of people.
Jacob: For experimental studies, are the X values random variables?
Rachel: For experimental studies, the X values are fixed by design.