Partnership with ProctorU - Remote Proctoring

Partnership with ProctorU - Remote Proctoring

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Hi - a Canada Toronto based current regular office worker here pursuing ASA. I am considering to sign up VEE Corporate Finance Course but I have difficulty looking for a proctor which leads to the question

Is NEAS ‌‌okay with the use proctorU? If so, what are the proper procedure? How should I enter the information in the registration?

Thank you!
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edmondyuen - 7/18/2017 3:03:46 PM
Hi - a Canada Toronto based current regular office worker here pursuing ASA. I am considering to sign up VEE Corporate Finance Course but I have difficulty looking for a proctor which leads to the question

Is NEAS ‌‌okay with the use proctorU? If so, what are the proper procedure? How should I enter the information in the registration?

Thank you!

Yes, that is fine. call or email the neas office (speak to MaryAnn Curran) for the procedure.

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