FA Mod 11: Operating leases and finance leases (overview)

FA Mod 11: Operating leases and finance leases (overview)

Supreme Being
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FA Module 11: Operating leases and finance leases (overview)

(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)

The preceding modules are basic accounting principles. In practice, insurers often have

●    leased property instead of owned property
●    complex corporate structures, often with consolidation of foreign subsidiaries
●    pension liabilities (and associated pension assets)
●    deferred tax assets and liabilities

The final exam problems for the rest of the modules in this course are based on the practice problems on the discussion forum. Know how to reproduce the exercises with other input data.

●    Reading: chapter 9 §9 leasing
●    Reading: chapter 10 §3 leases, excluding Example 12 (Royal Dutch Shell)

Know how finance leases (capital leases) differ from operating leases. You will not be tested on the detailed requirements of IFRS or GAAP.

Know the accounting and reporting (by the lessee) for both types of lease, especially

●    Lease expense vs depreciation expense and interest expense
●    Accrued interest vs reduction in lease liability
●    Effects on financial ratios: debt-to-equity ratio, financial leverage, return on equity

Know the difference in accounting by the lessor for direct financing leases vs sales-type leases.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (5.9K reputation)Supreme Being (5.9K reputation)Supreme Being (5.9K reputation)Supreme Being (5.9K reputation)Supreme Being (5.9K reputation)Supreme Being (5.9K reputation)Supreme Being (5.9K reputation)Supreme Being (5.9K reputation)Supreme Being (5.9K reputation)

Group: Administrators
Posts: 4.5K, Visits: 1.6K

Changes for Summer 2024 and subsequent exam sittings

(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)

The old FA Module 11 (Operating leases and finance leases) and the old FA Module 19 (Foreign currency translation) are difficult and rarely used by most actuaries. The material from these two modules has been removed from the financial accounting on-line course syllabus; the final exam problems will not test leases or foreign currency translation.

The remaining modules are renumbered to keep the 24 module sequence. Material from the textbook that is not tested on the final exam is specified in the “overview” postings. No material has been added to the syllabus.

Students taking the Summer 2024 course need complete only 18 of the remaining homework assignments.

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