Textbook for Macroeconomics

Textbook for Macroeconomics

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Textbook for Macroeconomics

Question: What edition of the textbook should we use?

Answer: Robert J. Barro, Intermediate Macro, South-Western College Pub; first edition (September 11, 2009), ISBN-10: 1439040095; ISBN-13: 978-1439040096.

Question: Must I buy the text or does NEAS supply it?

Answer: You must purchase the textbook; NEAS supplies all additional material: illustrative questions and answer, homework problems, and explanations.

Question: Where do I get the textbook?

Answer: The textbook can be ordered from internet booksellers, such as Amazon.com. If you live in North America, you receive the book within two or three days. If you live outside North America, it may take longer (about 7 to 9 days to send the text to Asia). Cengage Learning handles marketing of this text and may give you a lower price; compare prices on the internet.

Textbook for Macroeconomics.pdf (746 views, 27.00 KB)
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