Proctors Approval and Requirements

Proctors Approval and Requirements

Supreme Being
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Group: Administrators
Posts: 4.5K, Visits: 1.6K
peterlebeau - 1/15/2019 3:07:55 AM
I am an individual studying for the VEE credit on my own. I do not work with or know any actuaries. I saw that we could use a college lecturer for our proctor. Does this lecturer or professor need to specialize in any field? Or just the fact that they are an academic authority mean they can proctor my exam?  Is there a method for approval of a proctor?
I‌ am also wondering about the requirements for the proctors themselves. How much effort are they going to have to put into proctoring my exam? Will they need to be present for the entire exam? Can we just set up in their office and let them start it up and leave to take care of other business? How much time is this going to take out of one proctor's scedule?

[NEAS: The proctor must verify that you are taking the exam properly. The proctor ensures that you (not someone else) is the person taking the exam and that you are not co-operating with another candidate. If you are the sole candidate, and you are not bringing study material with you, the proctor’s task is simpler, and the proctor can leave you along and take care of other business.]

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 204
I am an individual studying for the VEE credit on my own. I do not work with or know any actuaries. I saw that we could use a college lecturer for our proctor. Does this lecturer or professor need to specialize in any field? Or just the fact that they are an academic authority mean they can proctor my exam?  Is there a method for approval of a proctor?
I‌ am also wondering about the requirements for the proctors themselves. How much effort are they going to have to put into proctoring my exam? Will they need to be present for the entire exam? Can we just set up in their office and let them start it up and leave to take care of other business? How much time is this going to take out of one proctor's scedule?

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