Inferences Based on Two Samples – homework assignment

Inferences Based on Two Samples – homework assignment

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MS Module 6: Inferences Based on Two Samples – homework assignment

(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)

Homework assignment:

Solve end of chapter problem 5 on page 484 (1st ed) / page 496 (2nd ed) / page 573 (3rd ed), showing all work. The numerical answers are in the appendix to the textbook; for the homework assignment, show how the answer is derived.

●    For Part (a), explain if this is a lower-tailed, upper-tailed, or two-tailed test.
●    Part (b) computes the p value; the distributions are normal and the standard deviations are known, so one may use z values despite the small sample sizes.
●    Part (c) computes β (the probability of a Type II error); you need not compute the power.
●    Part (d) computes the needed sample size (instead of the m = n = 10 in the problem).

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