Homework 8.1 Question

Homework 8.1 Question

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Posts: 7, Visits: 1

Is Part A as simple as accepting the individual projects with an expected return greater than 15%?

For Part B, would you use the Expected Stock Return formula and accept projects greater than 15%? For example, project #1, r = 8 + 0.5(7) = 11.5%, so do not accept this project? For project #2, 8+0.8(7) = 13.6, don't accept?


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jen11 - 19 Years Ago
mcgowan04 - 19 Years Ago
jen11 - 19 Years Ago
hikingrl - 19 Years Ago
ming - 19 Years Ago
D - 19 Years Ago
ypollack - 8 Years Ago
ActuaryGirl - 19 Years Ago
Carol - 19 Years Ago
Carol - 19 Years Ago
ActuaryGirl - 19 Years Ago
NEAS - 19 Years Ago
Bjabb - 18 Years Ago
MConrad - 18 Years Ago
Newbie34 - 17 Years Ago
Rick Sutherland - 17 Years Ago
Jordan - 16 Years Ago

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