HW Questions on CorpFin Mod 7

HW Questions on CorpFin Mod 7

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Posts: 1, Visits: 1
Can you guys help me out question 7.3) part (a) and (b)
For part (a), We need to find the beta, but i confuse the given equation.

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dabuj - 19 Years Ago
mcgowan04 - 19 Years Ago
Kathy - 19 Years Ago
Kathy - 19 Years Ago
D - 19 Years Ago
D - 19 Years Ago
D - 19 Years Ago
mathemagician - 19 Years Ago
NEAS - 19 Years Ago
cviddy - 18 Years Ago
ftb - 18 Years Ago
MConrad - 18 Years Ago
NEAS - 18 Years Ago
abigail - 18 Years Ago
al1835 - 18 Years Ago
Smiley - 17 Years Ago
Smiley - 17 Years Ago
Rick Sutherland - 17 Years Ago
Tyler - 13 Years Ago
Tyler - 13 Years Ago
jba21 - 13 Years Ago
ktanner22 - 13 Years Ago

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