The 1945-1978 3-month T-bill Series

The 1945-1978 3-month T-bill Series

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Sounds reasonable.

There's a great argument to be made for using the RIGHT data.  If you pick 'wrong' data, you're in for a hard time. 

NEAS, there's a tip for you.  Give us plenty of data in the future to choose from, and strongly suggest we use it.  Data that is easy to get stationary, and can be modeled with a low order model, makes this project a useful exercise vs. a huge pain. 

Not that we didn't have data provided this year, but I used my own data simply on a whim.  I didn't think it'd make a big difference.  It did.

Jacob: Why did NEAS choose these interest rate data?

Rachel: We chose the interest rate data for several reasons.

~ Interest rate processes, generators, and models are used by actuaries for life insurance, pensions, long-term disability, and workers’ compensation.

~ Numerous interest rate series are available on government web sites. All candidates can work with actual data and no two candidates having to use the same data.

~ Models which work well for short Treasury bill rates may not work well for long Treasury bond rates; models which work well for nominal interest rates may not work well for real interest rates. A variety of ARIMA models may be used.

~ The interest rate processes differ greatly in U.S. history: high vs low drift and high vs low variance periods. A model that works in one decade may not work well a few years later.

~ No model gives a perfect fit, though some simple models work well for short periods. Financial economists disagree about the factors affecting interest rates and make different forecasts for future months.

~ A weak seasonality appears in some interest rate histories. This seasonality is not evident in graphs, but it can sometimes be observed in sample autocorrelations.

Jacob: Do you give all the interest rate histories on the web site?

Rachel: We give long (twenty year) and short (three month) Treasury yields, which had monthly auctions. We give the consumer price index, both seasonally adjusted and non-seasonally adjusted, to compute real interest rates. We give Moody’s high grade corporate bond yield, which varies daily.

Jacob: Why not give us all the rates and let us choose which ones we use?

Rachel: If we gave all the rates, some candidates would spend hours (or days) analyzing them all and deciding which to use.

Jacob: What if we want to use other interest rate series? Can we do so?

Rachel: You can find interest rate histories on dozens of web sites. You can use any interest rate history you want. Our concern is how you apply the statistical techniques, not the interest rates you use.

Chesters Mom
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MA component--at first I didn't think the first-differenced series' sample correlogram shows MA component (naively buying into the project pdfs: "...most series are AR..."), or, I didn't want to believe its existance because of the work involved.  However, the sample correlogram did cross zero at lag 4 or 5, which matches well to the textbook's fitted model (though our time periods are slightly off) of ARIMA (8,1,4).

AR even order--yes, oscillating.

I used all three tests (Durbin-Watson, Bartlett's, and Box-Pierce's Q).  I also used 40 lags instead of 15 suggested by Tuba.  But it didn't make a difference for my model fitting, anyway.  AR(1) didn't work, nor did AR(2), and I know the order for MA is about 4 or 5.  So, that's my conclusion.


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Playing devil's advocate here, but...

How do you know an MA component is there?

How do you know the AR term is even (oscillating, I am guessing?)

My experience so far, weak as it has been, is that it's hard to determine if there actually is an MA component. 

Plus, from what I remember of that example, the simpler models were still decent, they just kept checking to try to improve it.  If you wanted to, you could just check the simple models and see if any of them is at least acceptable. 

But you're probably just fine doing exactly what you're doing, and you shouldn't listen to me.

Just reread your first post, I see you already tried the simpler models.

If you don't mind my asking, what test stats did you use?  I'm assuming DW, Q, and Bartlett's on the pk's of the regression residuals, and by significant you basically mean that the residuals are proven to not be just white noise.

Jacob: Do the simpler ARIMA models fit well?

Rachel: For certain periods, they fit well. A statistician must decide whether to use a more complex model for a longer period or to assume the time series process changes.

Chesters Mom
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It is time to answer my own question...the textbook fit the 1960 to 1996 3-month T-bill rate series to a bunch of models and ended up with ARIMA (8,1,4) in example 18.1.  So, the 1945-1978 series can't be that far from the 1960-1996 series, wouldn't we say?  I now know two things from the sample correlogram (of the first-differenced series):

1.  MA component is definitely present;

2.  AR component's order is an even number. 

So, there is room for errors in my calculation, but by and large, the textbook's example affirms that none of the simple models we are asked to fit in the student project--AR(1), AR(2), MA(1), MA(2), ARMA(1,1), etc.--would work.  And that'll be my conclusion in the write-up. 

Jacob: The textbook fit the 1960 to 1996 3-month T-bill rate series to a bunch of models and ended up with ARIMA (8,1,4) in example 18.1. The 1945-1978 series can't be that far from the 1960-1996 series, can it?

Rachel: Look at the graph of interest rates on the NEAS web site. 1960 to 1996 spans three different interest rate eras, with completely different time series processes. The textbook authors wanted to find a single model that words for all three eras. They could not find a simple model and ended up with a complex model. Other statisticians would say the process changed, and they would fit simpler models to each era. Neither view is necessarily right or wrong; you may examine these views in your student project.

Jacob: Is a moving average component definitely present?

Rachel: Some statisticians might say yes; others might say no. We are not expecting a specific answer to the student project. Candidates are supposed to demonstrate that they can apply the statistical procedures to real data.

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OK, I used Moody's, so I won't take up much time and space here, but here's a good question:

What do you mean by 'significant', when you refer to the test stats?  It is possible that you're doing the checking wrong, or something like that. 

I mean, if your correlogram looks good, and your data 'passes' the Q statistic and the Bartlett's formula things decently well, the regression should work okay.  I don't think that we're supposed to even have to deal with AR(2), let alone a more involved model, based on things I've seen in the NEAS posts.

Did you try matching forecasts, rather than relying on any tests?  Maybe that will make your fit look better than it is.

Chesters Mom
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I am looking for those who use this series on their project (either still in progress or finished)--what model did you find best fit?  Obviously we have to first-differenced the series, then I see a clear geometrically declining and oscillatory sample correlogram, which I infer an AR with order greater than 1 would work.  I tried AR(1) first, of course the test stats came back significant; then I tried AR(2) in two ways--run the Excel add-in with 2 lag and using the textbook equations 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5--yet the test stats still came back significant.

Since this project is quite involved, I might have made some mistakes somewhere on my worksheets.  All my correlograms stop at lag k=40, maybe that's not enough for 408 data points? 

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Jacob: If we have 400 observations, do we check 400 sample autocorrelations?

Rachel: The last 30 or 40 sample autocorrelations don’t have enough points. The first 4 or 5 sample autocorrelations can be distorted by other factors. Start with lags 6 through 55, for a total of 50 sample autocorrelations.

If only 2 or 3 sample autocorrelations are outside the 95% confidence interval, we presume the distribution is normal with the hypothesized standard deviation.

If 8 or 9 sample autocorrelations are outside the 95% confidence interval, we presume it is not a white noise process.

If 4 to 7 sample autocorrelations are outside the 95% confidence interval, we examine lags 56 to 105. We may have a white noise process with minor distortions. The ARIMA model may be reasonably good, even if it is not perfect.

Jacob: What do we expect from first differences of interest rates? Do we expect to find an oscillatory pattern?

Rachel: Some oscillatory patterns are real. Others stem from measurement error or rounding.

Illustration: Suppose the starting interest rate is 10.0%, and interest rates have a random walk with a drift of 0.04% a month. For simplicity, assume there is no stochasticity.

The interest rates are 10.00%, 10.04%, 10.08%, 10.12%, 10.16%, 10.20%, 10.24%, 10.28%, 10.32%, 10.36%, 10.40%, and so forth. The first differences are 0.04% each month.

If interest rates are rounded to one decimal place, the interest rates are 10.0%, 10.0%, 10.1%, 10.1%, 10.2%, 10.2%, 10.2%, 10.3%, 10.3%, 10.4%, 10.4%, and so forth. The first differences are 0.0%, 0.1%, 0.0%, 0.1%, 0.0%, 0.0%, 0.1%, 0.0%, 0.1%, 0.0%, and so forth.

The first differences have a spurious oscillatory pattern. It is caused by the rounding rule, and it has nothing to do with the time series process.

Jacob: Is this rounding problem common?

Rachel: This problem is very common, and it causes much of the apparent oscillatory patterns in stock prices and interest rates. The interest rates on the NEAS web site have two decimal places; we expect this type of spurious pattern.

Jacob: What if the drift is zero? Do we still see a spurious oscillatory pattern?

Rachel: A second reason for an oscillatory pattern is inaccurate measurement and other random errors.

Illustration: Suppose the interest rate is 8.0% each month and the stochasticity is small. The interest rate is measured with an error of –0.1% or +0.1% each month. The error need not be measurement error. Other causes of error are random fluctuations in demand for Treasury bills that affect the auction price but do not affect the underlying economics.

We examine the autocorrelation of the first differences. Each month the interest rate is 9.9% or 10.1%. The first difference is 0.0%, +0.2%, or –0.2%. For interest rates in any three month period, we have three possible scenarios:

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Difference 1

Difference 2

















































The average first difference is zero, since the drift in interest rates is zero. Of the eight scenarios, six have at least one first difference of zero, and two scenarios have the opposite first differences. The autocorrelation is negative.

Jacob: What is the implication for model building?

Rachel: Many oscillatory patterns reflect rounding, measurement error, and random fluctuations, not the underlying time series process. We carefully examine apparent oscillatory patterns. We can not always determine the cause of the oscillatory pattern, but we can suggest possible causes.

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