Can we do a joint project for Time Series and Regression Analysis?

Can we do a joint project for Time Series and Regression Analysis?

Rick Sutherland
Forum Guru
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 53, Visits: 1
Thanks, NEAS, for your prompt reply to this and many other recent postings.
Rick Sutherland
Forum Guru
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 53, Visits: 1

I am currently and simultaneously enrolled in the NEAS Time Series (TS) and Regression Analysis (RA) courses, and planning to take both final exams the week of 7/17/06. For my RA student project, I'm planning to do the "Student Project on Regression Analysis of Sports Won-Loss Records" which is one of the forum topics for the RA course. Reading the assignment, this is clearly also a TS analysis. Could I complete one student project that encompasses the requirements for both the RA and TS projects? In other words, can I expand on the RA Sports Won-Loss Project Template to also develop a Time Series model? Or do I need to write separate papers for each course?

Sorry if this question is answered somewhere else. It seems like a question someone would have posted in the past, but, if it has been answered previously, I can't find that posting.

Thanks in advance for your help.

[NEAS: Submit separate write-ups, since these are two courses. For the regression analysis student project, examine the F test. For the time series student project, fit an ARIMA model.]

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