Euro interest rates CPI money supply

Euro interest rates CPI money supply

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Euro interest rates CPI money supply

The same time series analysis used for U.S. economic indices may be used for other countries as well. The attached Excel files show

Overnight and three month LIBOR for Euros

Non-seasonally adjusted CPI for Euros

The Euro money supply (M1 and M2).

You can use time series analysis for nominal interest rates, real interest rates, the CPI, and the CPI regressed on the money supply.

Overnght Euro.xls (734 views, 20.00 KB)
Three month Euro.xls (674 views, 20.00 KB)
Euro M1.xls (726 views, 18.00 KB)
Euro M2.xls (705 views, 18.00 KB)
Euro CPI NSA.xls (696 views, 19.00 KB)
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