VEE Requirements

VEE Requirements

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VEE Requirements


Updated: December 1, 2009


Question: Do the SOA and CAS have the same VEE requirements?


Answer: Yes, both societies have the same requirements. Any course that meets the SOA requirements meets the CAS requirements, and vice versa.


Question: Are the NEAS on-line courses approved by the SOA for VEE requirements?


Answer: Yes, the NEAS on-line course has been approved for the next three years by the SOA and CAS. The course fully covers all topics needed for VEE credit. To ensure that the courses remain approved, we are strict about the homework assignments, student projects, and final exam. You must complete the requirements to get credit for the course.


Question: After completing the on-line course, must I do anything else to get VEE credit?


Answer: NEAS sends a transcript directly to the SOA and CAS offices confirming that you have passed the course. The current rules require the student to fill out an application for VEE credit. NEAS works with the SOA to ensure that all candidates who successfully complete the on-line courses receive credit quickly.


Question: Does the on-line course tuition cover the SOA / CAS VEE fees?


Answer: No. The SOA / CAS have certain fees to cover the administrative costs of granting  VEE credit to each candidate. These fees are a separate SOA / CAS matter, unrelated to the course tuition.

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Hi, it is mentioned that the courses are approved by the SOA for VEE requirements for the next three years.

In addition, the post was created in 2009. Namely, it guarantees that it is approved until 2012.

I would like to know if it is still approved for coming years, like 2013, 2014, ...and so on.

[NEAS: Yes, it is still approved (through 2015).]
Edited 13 Years Ago by NEAS
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