Homework Assignments

Homework Assignments

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Homework Assignments


Updated: January 16, 2012


Question: Are the homework assignments the quizzes and problems at the end of each chapter of the textbook?


Answer: No. The homework assignments are posted on the discussion forum.


Question: Are the practice problems also posted on the discussion forums?


Answer: Yes; all material for the course is posted on the discussion forums.


Question: How are the textbook, practice problems, homework assignments, student projects, and final exam questions related?


Answer: The textbook covers all the material. The on-line courses emphasis the concepts and intuition in the textbook, not memorization of facts or equations.


The practice problems provide problems and solutions to the material in the text, often using insurance examples to illustrate the theory. The illustrative test questions are like the questions asked on the final exam.


Some homework assignments are like practice problems. Other homework assignments apply the theory to insurance scenarios. Homework assignments are problems, not multiple choice questions.


The final exam asks multiple choice questions on the same topics as the homework assignments, practice problems, and illustrative test questions. If you do the homework for each module, the final exam is not hard.


The regression analysis and time series courses also require student projects that apply the statistical techniques to real data.


Question: How are the homework problems graded?


Answer: Homework problems are of two types:


Some problems test the material in the text. You get practice problems showing the method and homework problems for you to solve. The final exam tests these problems as well. If you do the homework assignments, you should not have difficulty with the exam.


Some homework problems test your understanding of the concepts. These problems have no correct answer; as long as you write a solution that uses the information in the text, you receive credit. The final exam is multiple choice, and does not have essay questions.


Question: Can we send it the solutions to the homework problems by email?


Answer: Yes; see the post on emailing homework to NEAS.


Question: How do we ask questions about the topics covered or the homework problems?


Answer: The discussion boards have listings for each of the 24 modules in the course. The NEAS faculty reply to questions posted on the discussion board. All candidates can expand on these questions or answers.


Some of the material in the textbook is difficult, particularly for candidates who do not have a background in this subject. We will tell you what parts of each chapter and each section you must know. You are not expected to become an expert in these topics, but you must understand the concepts and be able to work the problems. The final exam questions are based on the practice problems and homework assignments.


Question: If I have not yet registered for the course, can I use the discussion forums?


Answer: Yes; the discussion forums are open to the public. Many candidates have not yet registered for the course but read the text and work through the homework assignments.


Question: Can I ask about other problems in the textbook on the discussion forum?


Answer: Yes. As long as the question relates to material in the homework assignments or that might be asked on the final exam, we will respond. If the question relates to material that is excluded from the course, we will generally write a briefer reply and note that this topic is not needed for the course.


Question: If I do not finish 80% of the homework assignments, what happens?


Answer: You receive an incomplete for the course, and we do not send a transcript to the SOA / CAS. As soon as you complete 80% of the homework assignments and receive a 70% or better on the final exam, you receive credit and we send a transcript to the SOA.


Question: The on-line courses are eight weeks long. What happens if I don’t complete the homework assignments but I pass the final exam?


Answer: If you don’t complete at least 80% of the homework but you pass the final exam, you receive an incomplete. As soon as you turn in the homework, you pass the course.


Question: Where are the homework assignments posted?


Answer: The homework assignments are posted in the discussion forum for each module.


Homework assignments are posted separately on the discussion forum. The module overviews mention certain textbook questions that you should review. These questions help you understand the material in the text; they are not the homework assignments.


Question: Where do we mail the homework assignments?


Answer: Homework should be mailed to NEAS or sent by email; see the post "emailing homework" for the email address.


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"As soon as you complete 80% of the homework assignments and receive a 70% or better on the final exam, you receive credit and we send a transcript to the SOA."


Does this mean this mean that the student project is not required for credit? Does the NEAS revoke credit if we don't finish the student project?

[NEAS: Student projects are required by the SOA and CAS for the regression analysis and time series course.]

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Is it ok if we pass the exam first and then complete the homework?Thanks.

[NEAS: Yes; many candidates finish the course, pass the exam, and then complete the homework.]
Edited 11 Years Ago by NEAS
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