Fox Module 13: Dummy variable regression HW

Fox Module 13: Dummy variable regression HW

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Posts: 9, Visits: 1

In setting up the dummy variables to use for the Excel regression, is it always appropriate to use an average value for Y?  For example, in this case I was going to set up Excel to perform the regression as follows.

CategoryAvg. YD1D2

I do not see how you could look at all the Y values individually since you only have two dummy variables and a default. Is this the correct approach to this problem or does the number of territories that each group was sampled from (5) need to be taken into account somehow?

[NEAS: Use the average values.

Jacob: Do we use dummy variables for urban, sub-urban, and rural, or dummy variables for each territory?

Rachel: This homework assignment assumes we group the territories into three categories: urban, sub-urban, and rural. If the insurer believed that each territory has a different claim frequency, it might use dummy variables for each territory. ]

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