Dear Administrator,
In Home Work 4 :
1. We can skip parts A and B regarding questions related to rates of convergence.(Yes/No)
2. Effectively we have to anwer the following questions for HW 4 instead:
a. What savings pay for when savings rate is positively correlated to output per capita
b. What savings pay for when population growth rate is negatively correlated to output per capita
c. The capital costs of population growth when savings rate is positively correlated to output per capita
d. The capital costs of population growth when population growth rate is negatively correlated to output per capita
By output per capita you mean real GDP per person right?
You have asked us to look at 2 particluar paragraphs for intuitive arguments.
The last paragraph of Pg 85 deals with how much advanced countries spend on R&D and last paragraph of Pg 86 deals with free rides availed by other countries because of the role of U.S. in the market for prescription drugs. Is that what the last paragraphs of Pg 85 and Pg 86 deal with, please confirm.
Thank you so much.
[NEAS: Yes. The homework assignment shows if you have read the chapter; you comments indicate that you have read and understood it.]