Need Help! Box-Pierce Q--HOW?

Need Help! Box-Pierce Q--HOW?

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Posts: 4, Visits: 1

So, I am doing my project on temperature.  I have the autocorrelations for 60 lags, and 5459 data points.  My problem is when I calculate Q I am getting a value of (5459)*sum(autocorrelations^2) = 4700.  From what I can tell, 95% confidence would be < 79.08.  Obviously well out of my range.

My autocorrelations are taken from the stationary process of the deseasonalized data.  No single one is over 2/sqrt(T).  I just need help with what I'm doing wrong.  I don't know if my calculated Q is wrong (my guess) or am I reading the chi-square table wrong?  Both?  Is T not the # of points but rather the number of lags?  Thanks!

[NEAS: See attached PDF file.]

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