TS Module 3: Trends HW

TS Module 3: Trends HW

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I used the following 'givens' and I made a table like the one below to help me through the calculations.  Hope it helps.

Givens: N=50; Var(e)=1; Var(Y_t) = Var(mu)+Var(A)+Var(B); rho_1=Cov(Y_t,Y_t-1)/Var(Y_t);  that last 'given' is explained in this forum and in the book (I think)


#     Var            Cov(Y_t,Y_t-1)            rho_1            Formula from bottom of page 28

1    0+1+1=2;      Var(e)=1;                   1 / 2 = .5;      2/50 * [1 + 2*(50-1)/50*(.5)]=0.0792

2    0+1+1/4=1.25; .5*Var(e)=.5 ;            .5/1.25=.4 ;   1.25/50[1+1.96*(.4)=0.0446

and so on and so forth.  I'd write it al lout, but I don't have the time.    

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Jacob: Formula 3.2.3 applied to the first time series gives y-bar = 0.0792. But mu + et + et-1 from 1 to 50 is (1/2500) × Var(50 mu + å (50) + 2 × e(1) + …+ 2 × e(49) ) =

(1/2500) × (0 + Var(e (50) + 4 × (e(1) + …+ e(49) ) ) ) = (1 + 4 × 49) / 2500 = 0.0788

Rachel:The difference is subtle. The formula in the textbook assumes 50 observations are taken from this time series. Your second method assumes the time series starts at observation #1. The difference is one error term. Your second method doesn’t have an error term for period zero. Including this error term raises the variance of y-bar by 0.004.


The formula in the textbook assumes the time series process is infinite. We observe fifty values, such as 1.014 through 1.063, and compute the variance of y-bar. Your computation assumes the series starts at observation #1, so the error term e0 is zero.

Use the formula in the textbook, since its assumptions are closer to real life. We may observe only certain observations, but the time series may have existed for much longer.

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