I used the following 'givens' and I made a table like the one below to help me through the calculations. Hope it helps.
Givens: N=50; Var(e)=1; Var(Y_t) = Var(mu)+Var(A)+Var(B); rho_1=Cov(Y_t,Y_t-1)/Var(Y_t); that last 'given' is explained in this forum and in the book (I think)
# Var Cov(Y_t,Y_t-1) rho_1 Formula from bottom of page 28
1 0+1+1=2; Var(e)=1; 1 / 2 = .5; 2/50 * [1 + 2*(50-1)/50*(.5)]=0.0792
2 0+1+1/4=1.25; .5*Var(e)=.5 ; .5/1.25=.4 ; 1.25/50[1+1.96*(.4)=0.0446
and so on and so forth. I'd write it al lout, but I don't have the time.