TS Module 9 Non-stationary IMA processes

TS Module 9 Non-stationary IMA processes

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TS Module 9 Non-stationary IMA processes.


(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)


Background: Starting points for non-stationary time series


Cryer and Chan use non-stationary processes that have a fixed starting point. If the non-stationary time series has no starting point, its mean and variance are not defined.


Illustration: Infinite ARIMA(0,1,1) process


Suppose Yt is an ARIMA(0,1,1) process = an IMA(1,1) process:




If the time series has no starting point, then Yt = åt + (1 – è) åt-1 + (1 – è) åt-2 + …


Yt has no mean and a non-finite variance. Each entry in the non-stationary time series is the sum of an infinite number of random variables that do not die out.


Jacob: The expected value of each åt is zero. Doesn’t this imply that the mean of Yt is zero?


Rachel: If the current value of Yt is 1, the expected values of all future observations is also 1. If the current value of Yt is –1, the expected values of all future observations is also –1. If a time series has a mean, then the expected value as t ∞ is this mean. In this time series, the expected value in the limit depends on the current value, so the process is not stationary.


This is a simplified explanation. A more rigorous analysis shows that the process has no mean. Suppose one asks: “What is the mean of the real number line?” One might say: “Start at zero. The probability of a value k is the same as the probability of the value –k, so the two values offset each other the mean of the real number line is zero.” This reasoning is not correct. One could also start at any point m and argue that the points m + k and m – k offset each other the mean of the real number line is m. The correct answer it that the real number line has no mean. Similarly, a random walk has no mean.


To examine the pattern of non-stationary ARIMA processes, assume they begin at some time t = –m, so


Yt = åt + (1 – è) åt-1 +  (1 – è) åt-2 + … + (1 – è) å-mè å-m-1 


This is not really a restrictive condition. Most commonly, we forecast future values of a time series based on historical observations. Before the first observation, we assume all values of the time series are zero. We model the evolution of the mean and variance of the process.



**Question 1.2: ARIMA(0,1,1) process




with è = 0.4 and ó2 = 4 for t > 0 and Yt = 0 for t ≤ 0.


What is the variance of Y2?


A.      5.440

B.      6.080

C.      7.520

D.     8.160

E.      20.320


Answer 1.2: B


Write the ARIMA(0,1,1) process in the long form and determine the variance of each random variable.



           Y2 = Y1 + å2 – 0.4 å1 = å2 + (1 – 0.4) å1 – 0.4 å0

           The variance of Y2 is 4 + (1 – 0.4)2 × 4 + 0.42 × 4 = 6.080



Jacob: If we don’t specify that Yt = 0 for t < 0, what is the variance of Yt?


Rachel: The process is not stationary and has no variance.


Jacob: If we know Y1 and forcast Y2, what is the variance of the forecast of Y2?


Rachel: The one period ahead forecast has only one random error term, so the variance is 4.


See Cryer and Chan, P94: equation 5.2.7, for IMA(1,1) process:




Jacob: Do we always assume the time series starts at time 0?


Rachel: Cryer and Chan assume it starts at Period –m. Final exam problems often assume it starts at Period 0 or Period 1. They can be solved by first principles, as in this exercise.



**Question 1.3: IMA(1,1) process


An IMA(1,1) process has è = 0.4 and Yt = 0 for t < –20.


What is ñ(Yt, Yt-1) for t = 50?



A.      –0.02

B.      –0.05

C.      +0.02

D.     +0.05

E.      +0.99


Answer 1.3: E


(See Cryer and Chan, chapter 5, page 94, equation 5.2.8)


Jacob: What is the intuition for this result?


Rachel: Each Yt is the sum of t+20 random error terms. For t = 50, the correlation of Yt and Yt-1 has 70 terms which overlap and one term which differs. The two elements are almost identical, whereas the range of possible values of Yt is broad. As N ∞, the correlation of successive elements of a non-stationary IMA time series 1.



**Question 1.4: IMA(2,2) process


Which of the following is an IMA(2, 2) process?



A.      Yt = 2 Yt-1 – Yt-2 + etè1 et-1è2 et-2

B.      Yt = Yt-1 – Yt-2 + etè1 et-1è2 et-2

C.      Yt = Yt-1 – 2 Yt-2 – etè1 et-1è2 et-2

D.     Yt = Yt-1 – Yt-2 – etè1 et-1è2 et-2

E.      Yt = Yt-1 + Yt-2 + etè1 et-1è2 et-2


Answer 1.4: A


(See Cryer and Chan chapter 5, page 94, equation 5.2.9)


IMA(2,2) process:


Yt = 2 Yt-1 – Yt-2 + etè1 et-1è2 et-2


Yt – Yt-1 = Yt-1 – Yt-2 + etè1 et-1è2 et-2


Yt = Yt-1 + etè1 et-1è2 et-2


2 Yt = etè1 et-1è2 et-2


**Question 1.5: ARIMA processes



           A time series is zero for periods before t = –m.

           For t > –m, the value is Yt = åt + (1 – è) åt-1 +  (1 – è) åt-2 + … + (1 – è) å-mè å-m-1 



What type of ARIMA process is this time series?



A.      ARIMA(0,1,1)

B.      ARIMA(1,1,0)

C.      ARIMA(1,1,1)

D.     ARIMA(1,2,1)

E.      ARIMA(2,2,1)


Answer 1.5: A


See equations 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 at the bottom of page **.



           Equation 5.2.5 is an IMA process: Yt = Yt-1 + åtè åt-1

           Equation 5.2.6 writes the IMA process in the form given above.




**Question 1.6: Drift of IMA(1,1) process


Let Ytʹ be an IMA(1,1) process with a drift of zero.


Let Yt = Ytʹ + â0 + â1 × t



           â0 and â1 are scalars, not random variables.

           t is the index for time.



What is the drift of Yt?



A.      â0

B.      â1

C.      â0 + â1 × t

D.     1 + â0

E.      1 + â1


Answer 1.6: B



           â0 + â1 × t is a regression line with a slope (= drift) of â1

           The drift of Yt is the drift of Yt  + â1 = â1



Intuition: The drift of Yt is the mean of Yt = 0 + â0 + â1 × t – (â0 + â1 × (t-1) ) = â1



           Final exam problems may give a non-zero drift for Yt  and values for â0 and â1.

           The drift of Yt is the drift of Yt  + â1.


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