General linear processes practice problems

General linear processes practice problems

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General linear processes practice problems


Module 6: Autoregressive processes


(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)


**Exercise 6.1: Geometric decay


A time series has the form Yt = åt + ö × åt-1 + ö2 × åt-2 + ö3 × åt-3 + …


ö = 0.4 and ó2e = 4.


A.      What is ã0, the variance of Yt?

B.      What is ã1, the covariance of Yt and Yt-1?

C.      What is ñ1, the autocorrelation of Yt and Yt-1?

D.     What is ñ2, the correlation of Yt and Yt-2?


Part A: See Cryer and Chan, chapter 4, top of page 56:


ã0 = ó2 / (1 – ö2) = 4 / (1 – 0.16) = 4.762


Later modules refer to this process as AR(1), an autoregressive process of order 1. Final exam problems say: an AR(1) process with ö = 0.4 and ó2ε = 4.


Part B: See Cryer and Chan, chapter 4, middle of page 56:


ã1 = ö × ó2 / (1 – ö2) = 0.4 × 4 / (1 – 0.16) = 1.905


Part C: See Cryer and Chan, chapter 4, equation 4.1.3 at the bottom of page 56:


ñ1 = ö = 0.4


Part D: See Cryer and Chan, chapter 4, equation 4.1.3 at the bottom of page 56:


ã2 = ö2 = 0.42 = 0.160


This exercise is simple. Final exam problems are more complex. The autoregressive process may be of an order higher than 1, the ö parameters may be positive or negative, the process may have a moving average part, and the parameters may be estimated from the observed sample autocorrelations. The logic is the same for all the scenarios. This exercise is a good starting point for stationary time series.


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