TS Module 7 Stationary mixed processes

TS Module 7 Stationary mixed processes

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TS Module 7 Stationary mixed processes


(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)


Time series ARMA processes practice problems



*Question 7.1: ARMA(1,1)


An ARMA(1,1) process has ñ1 = 0. Which of the following is true?


A.   ö1 = è1 or ö1 × è1 = 1

B.   ö1 = è1 and ö1 × è1 = 1

C.   ö1 = –è1 or ö1 × è1 = –1

D.   ö1 = –è1 and ö1 × è1 = –1

E.   ö1 = è1 and ö1 × è1 = –1


Answer 7.1: A


For an ARMA(1,1) process:


 for k ≥ 1


Intuition: If the residual in period t increases one unit:



        Moving average: è1 causes the forecast to decrease è1 units

        Autoregressive: ö1 causes the forecast to increase ö1 units



If ö1 = è1, these two effects offset each other. A change in the period t value does not affect the period t+1 value, so ñ1 = 0.


è1 and 1/è1 produce the same autocorrelation function.


ö1 = è1 has the same effect as ö1 = 1/è1 or ö1 × è1 = 1.



*Question 7.2: Exponential decay


For which of the following processes do the autocorrelations have exponential decay?



A.   White noise

B.   MA(1)

C.   MA(2)

D.   ARMA(1,1)

E.   ARIMA(0,1,1)


Answer 7.2: D


See Cryer and Chan page 78: The ARMA(1,1) autocorrelation function decays exponentially as the lag k increases. The damping factor is ö, but the decay starts from initial value ñ1, which also depends on è. This is in contrast to AR(1) autocorrelation, which also decays with damping factor ö but always from initial value ño = 1.



*Question 7.3: Exponential decay


The autocorrelation function of an ARMA(1,1) process has exponential decay with a damping factor of 0.4. Which of the following is true?



A.   ö1è1 = 0.4

B.   ö1 × è1 = 0.4

C.   ö1 × è1 = 2.5

D.   ö1 = 0.4

E.   è1 = –0.4


Answer 7.3: D



*Question 7.4: Moving average and autoregressive processes


The moving average process Yt = et + 0.5 et-1 + 0.52 et-2 + 0.53 et-3 + … is equivalent to what autoregressive process?



A.   Yt = et + 0.5 Yt-1 + 0.52 Yt-2 + 0.53 Yt-3 + …

B.   Yt = et + 0.5 Yt-1 + 0.5 Yt-2 + 0.5 Yt-3 + …

C.   Yt = et + 0.5 Yt-1

D.   Yt = et – 0.5 Yt-1 – 0.52 Yt-2 – 0.53 Yt-3 + …

E.   Yt = et – 0.5 Yt-1 + 0.52 Yt-2 – 0.53 Yt-3 + …


Answer 7.4: C


Yt   = et + 0.5 Yt-1

      = et + 0.5 (et-1 + 0.5 Yt-2)


Continue expanding to eliminate Yt and remain with an infinite series of å’s.


See Cryer and Chan page 70, equation 4.3.8




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