TS Module 2 Time series concepts practice problems

TS Module 2 Time series concepts practice problems

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TS Module 2 Time series concepts practice problems


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Time series practice problems variances and covariances


*Question 2.1: Random walk


The time series Yt = Yt-1 + et is a random walk with ó2e = 0.25 and Yt = 0 for t < 1.


What is the standard deviation of Y9?


A.   0.15

B.   0.25

C.   0.50

D.   1.50

E.   2.25


Answer 2.1: D



        Yt = å1 + å2 + … + å9

        The error terms are independent, with a variance of 0.25 each.

        The variance of Y9 is 9 × 0.25 = 2.25.

        The standard deviation of Y9 is (9 × 0.25)0.5 = 1.50.





*Question 2.2: Equally weighted moving average


Let Yt = ½ × (åt + åt-1). What is ñt,t-1, the correlation of Yt and Yt-1?



A.   –1

B.   –0.5

C.   0

D.   0.5

E.   1


Answer 2.2: D


Let ó2 = the variance of the error term.



        The covariance of Yt with Yt-1 = covariance (½ × (åt + åt-1), ½ × (åt-1 + åt-2) ) = ¼ ó2.

        The variance of Yt is ¼ × 2 ó2 = ½ ó2.

        The correlation of Yt with Yt-1 = ¼ ó2 / ½ ó2 = 0.500.



See Cryer and Chan page 15, equation 2.2.16:


 for |t–s| = 1





*Question 2.3: Random walk



        Let Yt be a random walk with zero drift: Yt = Yt-1 + åt, with ó2e = 1.

        The time series starts at t = 1. (This time series is not stationary.)



What is ñ4,25?



A.   0.00

B.   0.16

C.   0.40

D.   4.00

E.   25.0


Answer 2.3: C


(4/25)0.5 = 0.400


(See Cryer and Chan equation 2.2.13)



*Question 2.4: Stationary time series



        Xt is a stationary time series.

        Yt = â0 + â1 t + â2 t2 + Xt



Which of the following is a stationary time series?



A.   Yt – 2 Yt-1 – Yt-2 

B.   Yt – 2 Yt-1 + Yt-2 

C.   Yt + 2 Yt-1 + Yt-2 

D.   Yt + 2 Yt-1 – Yt-2

E.   All of A, B, C, and D are stationary


Answer 2.4: B


See Cryer and Chan page 20, exercise 2.9.


Choice B is the second difference. Yt is a quadratic function of t, so the second difference is a constant. The second difference of X is stationary.














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