TS Module 9 Non-stationary ARIMA time series
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Time series ARIMA processes practice problems
** Exercise 9.1: ARIMA Process
A time series is Yt = 1.4Yt-1 + 0.1Yt-2 – 0.5Yt-3 + et + 0.3et-1 + 0.2et-2
A. Write the time series in terms of Wt ( Yt).
B. What is the ARIMA process followed by this time series?
C. What are the coefficients of this ARIMA process?
Part A: Rewrite the ARIMA process as
Yt – Yt-1 = 0.4Yt-1 + 0.1Yt-2 – 0.5Yt-3 + et + 0.3et-1 + 0.2et-2
= 0.4Yt-1 – 0.4Yt-2 + 0.4Yt-2 + 0.1Yt-2 – 0.5Yt-3 + et + 0.3et-1 + 0.2et-2
= 0.4Yt-1 – 0.4Yt-2 + 0.5Yt-2 – 0.5Yt-3 + et + 0.3et-1 + 0.2et-2
➾ Wt = 0.4 Wt-1 + 0.5Wt-2 + et + 0.3et-1 + 0.2et-2
Jacob: What is the procedure for this transformation?
Rachel: The sum of the coefficients for the Y terms are equal on both sides of the equation.
The left side has a coefficient of 1. The right side has coefficients of 1.4 + 0.1 – 0.5 = 1.
Part B: The time series is an ARIMA(2,1,2) process.
d = 1: we took one difference ( Yt).
p = 2: we use Wt-1 and Wt-2.
q = 2: we use et-1 and et-2.
Part C: The ARIMA coefficients are
ö1 = 0.4
ö2 = 0.5
è1 = –0.3
è2 = – 0.2
** Exercise 9.2: ARIMA Process
A time series is Yt = è0 + á1 × Yt-1 + á2 × Yt-2 + á3 × Yt-3 + â1 × et + â2 × et-1 + â3 × et-2
A. Write the time series in terms of Wt ( Yt).
B. What is the ARIMA process followed by this time series?
Part A: Rewrite the ARIMA process as
Yt – Yt-1 = è0 + (á1 – 1) × Yt-1 + á2 × Yt-2 + á3 × Yt-3 + â1 × et + â2 × et-1 + â3 × et-2
Yt–Yt-1 = è0 + [(á1 – 1) × Yt-1 – (á1 – 1) × Yt-2] + [(á1 – 1) × Yt-2 + á2 × Yt-2 + á3 × Yt-3] + â1 × et + â2 × et-1 + â3 ×et-2
The coefficient of Yt-1 – Yt-2 is (á1 – 1).
For this to be an ARIMA(2,1,2) process, we must have
(á1 – 1) + á2 = –á3
á1 + á2 + á3 = 1
Jacob: What about the â coefficients?
Rachel: Any â coefficients are fine.
If â1 = 1, then ö1 = –â2 and ö2 = –â3.
If â1 1, then ö1 = –â2 / â1 and ö2 = –â3 / â1.
** Exercise 9.3: Combining error terms
Suppose Yt = Mt + et and Mt = Mt-1 + åt
A. Write Yt as a function of Mt-1 and error terms.
B. What type of time series is Mt?
C. What type of time series is Yt?
D. What is Yt (the first difference of Yt)?
E. What is the variance of Yt?
F. What is the variance of Yt?
G. What is the covariance of Yt and Yt-1?
H. What is ñ1, the autocorrelation of Yt and Yt-1?
Part A: Yt = Mt + et = Mt-1 + et + åt
Part B: Mt is a random walk.
Part C: Yt = Mt-1 + et + åt = Yt-1 + åt + et – et-1. This is a random walk with a more complex error term.
Part D: ∇Yt = Yt – Yt-1 = Mt-1 + et + åt – ( Mt-1 + et-1) = åt + et – et-1
Part E: If the random walk has no beginning, the variance is infinite, so it does not exist. If the random walk has a beginning, the variance depends on the period.
Part F: The variance of ∇Yt = var( åt + et – et-1 ). The three random variables are independent, so the variance = 2ó2e + ó2ε.
Part G: The covariance of ∇Yt and ∇Yt-1 is covariance ( åt + et – et-1 , åt-1 + et-1 – et-2 ) = –ó2e.
Part H: The autocorrelation of ∇Yt and ∇Yt-1 (ñ1) is –ó2e / 2ó2e + ó2ε = –1 / (2 + ó2ε / ó2e ). This is equation 5.1.10 on page 90.
** Exercise 9.4: IMA(1,1) process
Each of the following time series is an IMA(1,1) process. What is the value of è for each time series?
A. Yt = Yt-1 + et – 0.4et-1
B. Yt = Yt-1 – et – 0.4et-1
C. Yt = Yt-1 + 0.4et – 0.4et-1
D. Yt = Yt-1 – 0.4et – 0.4et-1
Part A: The first difference of an IMA(1,1) is an MA(1) process.
The first difference of this time series is et – 0.4et-1, which is an MA(1) process with è = 0.4.
Part B: The first difference of this time series is – et – 0.4et-1. Use a change of the error term åtʹ = –åt, which gives a first difference of + etʹ + 0.4etʹ-1, which is an MA(1) process with è = –0.4.
Part C: The first difference of this time series is 0.4 et – 0.4et-1. Use a change of the error term åtʹ = 2.5åt, which gives a first difference of + etʹ – etʹ-1, which is an MA(1) process with è = 1.
Part D: The first difference of this time series is –0.4 et – 0.4et-1. Use a change of the error term åtʹ = –2.5åt, which gives a first difference of + etʹ + etʹ-1, which is an MA(1) process with è = –1.
** Exercise 9.5: ARI(1,1) process
The time series Yt = è0 + á Yt-1 + â Yt-2 + et is an ARI(1,1) process.
A. Write the time series in terms of Wt ( Yt).
B. What is the relation of á and â?
C. What is the value of ö for this ARI(1,1) process?
Part A: Wt = ∇Yt = Yt – Yt-1 = è0 + (á – 1) × Yt-1 + â Yt-2 + et
Part B: If á – 1 = –â, we can write the time series as Yt – Yt-1 = è0 + (–â) × (Yt-1 – Yt-2) + et
Part C: ö = – â
A. Yt = Yt-1 – (1 + ö) Yt-2 + et
B. Yt = Yt-1 + ö Yt-2 + et
C. Yt = Yt-1 – ö Yt-2 + et
D. Yt = (1 + ö) Yt-1 – ö Yt-2 + et
E. Yt = (1 + ö) Yt-1 + ö Yt-2 + et
** Exercise 9.6: Time series process
A time series is Yt = è0 + 1.75 Yt-1 – 0.75Yt-2 + et is an ARI(2,1) process.
A. Write the time series in terms of Wt ( Yt).
B. What is the value of ö1 for this ARI(2,1) process?
C. What is the value of ö2 for this ARI(2,1) process?
Part A: Wt = ∇Yt = Yt – Yt-1 = è0 + (á – 1) × Yt-1 + â Yt-2 + et
Part B: If á – 1 = –â, we can write the time series as Yt – Yt-1 = è0 + (–â) × (Yt-1 – Yt-2) + et
Part C: ö = – â