Data for RA project

Data for RA project

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Data for RA project: This data is posted on: click on VEE courses and then Data for Regression Analysis Project
Edited 12 Years Ago by NEAS
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The data is attached to this post.
Regra.Ptem.Sproj.Excel.worksheet.xls (1.3K views, 183.00 KB)
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In the workbook that is given to us, in the StableRatesData tab, I changed the sigma to equal 0. How do I go about getting a chart similar to ResidualMatrix(IndexFunction) where I assume my x1 should equal -.25 and my x2 = .15 in the Coefficients column? I think I understand the Tools/Data Analysis/Regression and inputing x1 & y for the data ranges, but how do I get that second independent variable in there to get the resulting sheet1 to look like ResidualMatrix(IndexFunction)? If I try redoing it with the data ranges being for x2 & y, it just shoots out a sheet2 rather than combining the information with sheet1.   

Reply: When you input the x range, put in both columns containing x1 and x2. Excel will know to do a 2 variable regression.

[NEAS: The Excel Regression add-in accepts up to 16 independent variables.]
Edited 12 Years Ago by NEAS
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  Has anyone else had trouble with the project template? If I change the inputs for sigma, the betas or alpha then nothing happens. The formulas on the RatesData tabs seem to be calling the right cells but for whatever reason if I change the inputs then none of the 'y' or 'error' values change along with it.

  This seems odd so I am wondering if anyone else has had similar problems.

[NEAS: Be sure to recalculate manually. If we leave calculation on automatic, all the figures change with every entry on the worksheet.]

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