TS Module 16: ARIMA Forecasting HW

TS Module 16: ARIMA Forecasting HW

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TS Module 16: ARIMA Forecasting HW


(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)


Homework assignment: ARIMA(0,1,1) process


The estimated (forecast) and actual values for Periods 48, 49, and 50 of an ARIMA(0,1,1) process are shown below.


Forecasts are one period ahead forecasts:  ŷ48(1) for Period 49 and ŷ49(1) for Period 50.















           The estimated and actual values are for the ARIMA(0,1,1) time series.

           The values of ì and è1 are for the ARMA model of first differences. (Cryer and Chan use è for an ARMA process, not è1.)



To solve the homework assignment, use the following steps:



           Determine the residual for each period for the ARIMA(0,1,1) model.

           These are also the residuals for the ARMA process of first differences.

           Determine the forecasts and actual values for the MA(1) process of first differences for the last two periods.

           Write equations for these forecasts in terms of the mean, the residual in the previous period, and è1. Remember that è1 is the negative of the moving average parameter.

           You have a pair of linear equations with two unknowns, ì and è1.

           Solve for  ì and è1 and verify that these values give the forecasts in the table.

           Use the residual for Period 50 and the values of ì and è1 to forecast Period 51.

           Derive the forecast for the original ARIMA time series for Period 51.




1.      What is the mean ì of the ARMA model of first differences?

2.      What is è1 of the ARMA model of first differences?

3.      What is the forecasted value of the ARIMA(0,1,1) process for Period 51?


Show the derivations of the parameters and the forecast.




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When working out the 2 equations I am getting the mean equal to -.2 and Theta equal to .3 .  Am I even close or my equations completely wrong?  Thanks

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To my knowledge, you're equations are completely wrong.  I went about this problem by setting up a table:

Period            ARIMA(0,1,1)                  ARMA(0,1)

           Forcast  Actual    Residual     Forcast       Actual

48     Y-hat47(1)   Y48        e48           --              --

49     Y-hat48(1)   Y49        e49   deltaY-hat48(1)  deltaY49

50     Y-hat49(1)   Y50        e50   deltaY-hat49(1)  deltaY50

51     Y-hat50(1)    --         --    deltaY-hat50(1)    --


Note that the residuals are shared between the two processes.  The assignement is fairly straighforward from there.  Let me know if you have any further questions.


Matt Feipel
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Question for NEAS:  Since the homework specifies that these are "one period ahead" forecasts, does this mean that for calculating the forecasts for the MA(1) process we are suppose to take the forecast in period t minus the actual in period t-1?  For example, deltaY(49)-hat = 72 - 71.5 = .5, or is it 72 - 70.5 = 1.5?

[NEAS: Don't mix periods. One period ahead forecast means we forecast Period T from the values in Period T-1. The residual uses the forecast and the actual values for the same period.]

I don't understand what you mean by "don't mix periods."  You say "One period ahead forecast means we forecast Period T from the values in Period T-1" - All I was asking is if the value in Period T-1 is the actual or forcasted value for that period.

I was asking about the first difference forecasts.  According to the "TS Module 16: ARIMA forecasting: values residuals forecasts" handout on the last line of the first page in the pdf file, we would calculate deltaY(49)-hat = 72 - 71.5 = .5. Right?

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I'm getting dizzy reading the last post.  =P

The forecast for the ARMA(0,1) of period 49 uses the forecast of the ARIMA(0,1,1) period 49 (which is calculated from period 48) less the actual ARIMA of period 48.  So, indeed, your deltaY-hat48(1) = 72 - 71.5 = 0.5.

"Don't mix periods" means what it sounds like:  If you're attempting to find forecasts for one period ahead, say, t=2, then only use values derived from the preceeding time period, t=1.  Let me know if you have further questions.


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I guess I don't understand what I'm doing here.  I can't seem to see how the residuals, forecasts, and actual values that I derived fit into either equation 9.3.30 or 9.3.32.  I guess I'm confused because we're supposed to find mu and theta_1, but neither of these equations contains both variables.  And how do we solve this without know phi?

Can somebody steer me right?

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We are given the equation (9.3.21) since ARIMA(0,1,1)'s first difference is MA(1):

deltaY-hatt(1) = mu - theta(et)

We know two of the ARMA forecasts and two of the residuals for t = 48 and 49.  This will produce two equations with two unknowns, simple algebra to solve.


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This is very important module, I am getting mean = 2, theta = 1.5, ARIMA forecast for period 51 = 74.1.

Did anyone get the same thing?

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That's what I got.
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I got what you got too, but I am still a little unsure about that.
An ARMA model:
W(t)=mu+e(t)-theta*e(t-1), is right?
I am not sure if we use W(t)=y(t)-y(t-1), or W(t)=y-hat(t)-y-hat(t-1).
Here, I used W(t)=y(t)-y(t-1) to solve mu and theta.

but, in the moduel 18, this problem appears again, I am a little confused.
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