TS Module 18: Forecast updates and weights HW

TS Module 18: Forecast updates and weights HW

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TS Module 18: Forecast updates and weights HW


(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)


Homework assignment: ARIMA(0,1,1) forecasts


An ARIMA(0,1,1) model for a time series of 100 observations, yt, t = 1, 2, …, 100, has θ1 = 0.4.


           The forecast of the next observation, y101, is 25.

           The actual value of y101 is 26.

           The forecast of the next observation, y102, is 26.

           The actual value of y102 is 26.



We continue to use the same ARIMA model. That is, we don’t re-estimate the parameters with the additional data. We forecast y103, the ARIMA value in the next period.



A.     From the actual and forecasted values of y101, derive the residual for the ARMA model of the first differences.

B.     From the actual value of y101 and the forecasted value of y102, derive the forecasted value for Period 102 for the ARMA model of the first differences.

C.    This forecasted value for Period 102 is a function of ì, è1, and the residual for Period 101. Derive the ì (mean) of the ARMA model of first differences.

D.    From the actual and forecasted values of y102, derive the residual for the ARMA model of the first differences for Period 102.

E.     Using this residual, determine the forecasted first difference for the next period. 

F.     From the forecasted first difference, derive the forecasted value of the original time series.



The values of ì and θ1 are the coefficients of the ARMA process for the first differences.  (Cryer and Chan use è for an MA(1) process, not è1.)


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