TS Module 19: Seasonal models basics HW

TS Module 19: Seasonal models basics HW

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TS Module 19: Seasonal models basics HW


(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)


Homework assignment: auto insurance seasonality


This homework assignment applies ARIMA modeling to auto insurance policy counts. The same logic applies to other lines of business as well. The homework assignment has three parts, each adding a piece to the insurance scenario.


Part A: Seasonality


The population in State W, the number of drivers, and the number of cars are stable.


           An auto insurer sells twelve month policies in State W.

           Its renewal rate is 90% on average.

           The actual renewal rate varies with its prices and those of its competitors.



For Part A of the homework assignment, all insurers charge the same state-made rates.



           Random fluctuation determines how much new business each insurer writes.

           You model policies written each month (both new and renewal) with an ARIMA process.




A.     How would you model renewal policies? Do you use a ö (autoregressive) parameter or a è (moving average) parameter?

B.     Is the process stationary?

C.    If the renewal rate were 100%, would the process be stationary?


Intuition: If the insurer writes more policies in January 20X1, it writes more policies in January 20X2, January 20X3, and so forth. A random fluctuation dies our slowly. What is the autocorrelation function? Is this a stationary time series?


Part B: We add a free market to this exercise.



           The insurer competes in a free market.

           The insurer revises its rates each year, and its competitors revise their rates at other dates during the year.



New policies sold (new business production) depends on the insurer’s relative rate level compared with its competitors. If its rates are lower (higher) than its competitors’, it writes more (fewer) new policies.



           The insurer does not expect higher or lower rates than its competitors charge.

           At any time, its rates may be higher or lower than its competitors charge, so its market share may grow or shrink.




A.     How would you change the model? Do you add an autoregressive or a moving average term? Note that rate changes occur once a year, so if the insurer has high (low) rates now, it will probably have high (low) rates next month.

B.     Does the free market increase or decrease the variance of the process? (When firms charge different prices and revise their prices periodically, is market share more or less variable?)


Part C: The insurer revises rates if its policy count is higher or lower than expected.



           If the insurer writes more policies than expected, it is afraid that its rates are too low, and it files for a rate increase.

           If the insurer writes fewer policies than expected, it is afraid that its rates are too high, and it files for a rate decrease.



A.     If this rate change occurs immediately, how should you change the model? Do you add an autoregressive or a moving average term? (In practice, rate filings take several months to be approved. Assume this rate change takes effect immediately.)

B.     If this rate change has a one month lag, how should you change the model? (For this part of the homework assignment, assume the insurer compares its actual vs expected policy count at the end of each month and changes the rate beginning either the next day or one month later. Use whichever assumption you prefer.)



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D. Since a low rate in the previous month will tend to be correlated with a low rate in the current month, then higher than expected amounts of new business in the previous month will tend to be correlated with higher than expected amounts of business in the current month.


I believe that implies using an autoregressive term from the prior month so that


Yt = .9Yt-12 + (phi)(et-1) + n + et


Where n is the expected number of new business policies written and

et is an independently distributed random variable with mean = 0


[NEAS: Correct]


F. I’m not as certain about this, but I believe that the form of the model would not change from part D, but the actual values you get for your parameter would change.  Assume that the insurer always changes rates by less than what would be needed to return to an equilibrium state in which the prior month’s writings were the long term average writings.  In this case I think we would have the same model as before, but the magnitude of phi would be smaller.  If the insurer always overcorrected with the rate change, then the sign of phi would be reversed.  If the insured always changed rates by exactly the right amount, then phi would be zero.  But I think that in all cases, the model stays the same.


G. I don’t think I fully understand this question.  Since we’re dealing in discrete time intervals of one month, I don’t understand the distinction between the assumptions in F and the optional assumption in G that “the insurer compares its actual vs expected policy count at the end of each month and changes the rate beginning […] the next day”  How could any rate change in F be more instantaneous than that?  Or are we not actually dealing with discrete intervals of 1 month?  In which case, how do we use time series to approximate this process?


Using the other assumption, I think you would have an additional autoregressive term of (phi2)et-2.  But since I admit I don’t really understand the question, I’d take that with a large grain of salt.

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After thinking about this more, I think that I was wrong about using an autoregressive term to model the effects of a previous month, I think it should be a moving average term.  I'm editing my previous post to make what I think should be the corrections, the changes will be in red.

[NEAS: Statisticians have used both moving average and autoregressions terms to model seasonality, depending on the reasons for the seasonal effects. Both methods are acceptable for the homework.]

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This homework assignment does not ask for numerical results. It asks you to relate ARIMA processes to business practice. Say how each market attribute might affect the time series model. Statisticians differ; there is no single solution. You receive credit for a solution that explains how the seasonal parameters work, whether or not your business interpretation is correct.

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