TS Module 19 practice problems seasonal models

TS Module 19 practice problems seasonal models

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TS Module 19 Seasonal models basics


(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)


Time series practice problems seasonal models



*Question 19.1: Seasonal moving average process


A time series is generated by Yt = et – et-12.


What is ñ12?


A.     –1.0

B.     –0.5

C.    0

D.    +0.5

E.     +1.0


Answer 19.1: B


The seasonal correlation is –Θ / (1+ Θ2) = –1 / (1 + 12) = –0.5


(See Cryer and Chan, page 229: equation 10.1.3)



*Question 19.2: Seasonal moving average process


A seasonal moving average process has a characteristic polynomial of (1 – èx)(1 – Θx12), with è = 0.4, Θ = 0.5, and ó2e = 4


What is ã0?



A.     0.20

B.     0.80

C.    1.60

D.    3.20

E.     5.80


Answer 19.2: E


(P230: equation 10.2.2: ã0 = (1 + è2)(1+ Θ2) ó2e )


(1.16 × 1.25 × 4 = 5.80






*Question 19.3: Seasonal moving average process


A seasonal moving average process has a characteristic polynomial of (1 – èx)(1 – Θx12), with è = 0.4, Θ = 0.5, and ó2e = 4


What is ñ12?



A.     –0.50

B.     –0.40

C.    0

D.    +0.40

E.     +0.50


Answer 19.3: B


(P231: equation 10.2.5: ñ12 = –Θ / (1+ Θ2) = –0.5 / 1.25 = –0.4




*Question 19.4: Seasonal ARMA process


A seasonal ARMA process Yt = Ö Yt-12 + etè et-1 has Ö = –0.707, è = 1.414, and ó2e = 4


What is ã0?



A.     2

B.     4

C.    8

D.    16

E.     24


Answer 19.4: E


See Cryer and Chan, page 232, equation 10.2.11:


ã0 = ó2e × (1 + è2) / (1 – Ö2) = 4 × (1 + 2) / (1 – ½) = 24


The variance is the product of the seasonal autoregressive process and the non-seasonal moving average process.



*Question 19.5: Seasonal ARMA process


A seasonal ARMA process Yt = Ö Yt-12 + etè et-1 has Ö = –0.707, è = 1.414, and ó2e = 4


What is ñ11ñ13 ?



A.     –1.00

B.     –0.50

C.    0

D.    +0.50

E.     +1.00


Answer 19.5: C


(See Cryer and Chan, page 232, equation 10.2.11: ñ12k-1 = ñ12k+1 = – Ök è / (1 + è2)


For a stationary process, ñ1 = ñ–1. We form the autocorrelations for the 12 months seasonal lags, and then add or subtract one month for the non-seasonal lag.



*Question 19.6: Non-stationary seasonal ARIMA process


Suppose Yt = St + et, with ó2e = 2   and      St = St-s + åt , with ó2ε = 1


What is the variance of s Yt?



A.     1

B.     2

C.    3

D.    4

E.     5


Answer 19.6: E


s Yt = Yt – Yt-s


s Yt = St – St-s + et – et-s = åt + et – et-s

variance s Yt = 1 + 2 + 2 = 5



*Question 19.7: Seasonal AR(1)12 process


A store’s toy sales in constant dollars follow a seasonal AR(1)12 process: Yt = Ö Yt-12 + et.



           Sales are $10,000 in January 20X1 and $100,000 in December 20X1.

           Projected sales are $110,000 in December 20X2.



What are projected sales for January 20X3?



A.     $10,000

B.     $11,000

C.    $11,100

D.    $12,000

E.     $12,100


Answer 19.7: E



           The December projection is one period ahead.

           The January projection is two periods ahead.



(See Cryer and Chan, page 241, last line; Ö = 1.1)


Note that we take logarithms and first differences to make this process stationary.




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