TS Module 4: Variance of mean homework assignment

TS Module 4: Variance of mean homework assignment

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TS Module 4: Variance of mean homework assignment

(The attached PDF file has better formatting.)

Homework assignment: Variance of mean

An MA(2) process Yt = et – è1 et-1 – è2 et-2 has N observations, with ó2e = 1, –1 è1 +1, –1 è2 +1. What values of è1 and è2 maximize the variance of , the average of the Y values?What values of è1 and è2 minimizes the variance of , the average of the Y values?Your answer should give a line of values for each part, such as è1 + è2 = k.

Jacob: How should we reason through this homework assignment?

Rachel: Write the value of in terms of the å’s: yj = ån + (1 – è1) ån-1 + (1 – è1 – è2) ån-2 + …

Most of the terms have (1 – è1 – è2) ån-2 ; only the two terms at the beginning and the two terms at the end have fewer è’s. Ignore these beginning and end terms (assuming n is large).

All the å’s are independent. We choose è1 and è2 to maximize or minimize (1 – è1 – è2) ån-2, which is easy.

For the homework assignment, ignoring the end terms is fine. If N is small, the answer differs slightly, and the calculations are messy.
TS Module 4 variance of mean HW.pdf (1.9K views, 39.00 KB)
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