Thanks for the reply, I definitely appreciate it. However, I am making sure that I am fitting my regression to the equation yt = A*yt-1 + B. I find that this seems to get nice results from the regression output. (High R square value ~ .98). But the series is not stationary, so I take first differences and the autocorrelations tell me that the series of the first differences should be stationary. So, what I had thought we were supposed to do with this is regress on the first differenced series, i.e., fit the regression to the series wt=(delta)yt = A*(delta)yt-1 + B. But the regression output for this is not very promising at all, very low R square value (~.38).
This is where I must be missing something. What did everyone else do with their first differences. I'm going by pages 498 -499 in the text where they have the stationary wt series. Then as they say in the beginning of section 16.2.2 that you have to integrate (or sum up) forecasts from the wt series to get your forecasts for the original yt.
I thought I understood the theory pretty well but it is just not working in practice. I am sure I am missing something, but don't know what. Can someone give me an idea of what they did or if they have the same problem? N2thornl: when you get to this part could you let me know how you make out?
Quality of Fit: Non-stationary Random Walk vs Stationary White Noise Process
Jacob: When I regress the interest rates on the lagged interest rates, using an AR(1) model on the monthly interest rates themselves, I get a β coefficient of one, indicating that the model is not stationary. The t statistic for β is high, the p-value is low, and the R2 for the regression is high. The fit seems excellent.
When I regress the first differences of the interest rates on the lagged first differences, using an AR(1) model on the first differences, I get a β coefficient of zero, indicating that the model is stationary. But the t statistic for β is low and not significant, the p-value is high, and the R2 for the regression is low. The fit seems poor.
I had expected the opposite results.
If β . 1, the time series is a random walk. It is not stationary, and we do not use it for forecasts.ÿ
If β . 0, the time series is a white noise process. It is stationary, and we use it for forecasts.Am I doing something wrong? Why does the random walk have a good fit and the white noise process has a poor fit?
Rachel: Nothing is wrong; these are expected results. Consider what each test implies.
The t statistic tests the hypothesis that β = 0. If the time series is a random walk, β is 1, not zero. When we take first differences, β = 0; that is exactly correct.
To test if the time series is a random walk, the null hypothesis is β0 = 1. This gives a t statistic close to zero, and we do not reject the null hypothesis.
The R2 says how much of the variance is explained by the β coefficient. If the time series is a random walk with a low standard error (low σ), the R2 is high. Values of 98% or 99% are reasonable for a perfect random walk with many observations.
If the β coefficient is zero for the AR(1) model of first differences, we expect the R2 to be about zero. This says that the β coefficient doesn’t explain anything. If the β is zero, it doesn’t explain anything.
Forecasts: A random walk is not stationary, but we still use it for forecasts. For a random walk with a drift of zero, the L-period forecast is the current value. For a random walk with a drift of k, the L-period forecast is the current value + L × k.
Jacob: For a perfect random walk, with β = 1 and a drift of zero, I assume the R2 depends on the stochasticity. If σ is high, the R2 should be low; if σ is low, the R2 should be high.
Rachel: That is true for most regression equations, where the values of X are not stochastic. For the AR(1) model, the X values are the Y values lagged one period. The dispersion of the X values varies directly with σ.
If σ is twice as large, σ2 is four times as large, the sum of squared deviations of the X values () is four times as large, the variance of does not change, and the t statistic does not change. The R2 is the σ2 divided by the total sum of squares (TSS) of the Y values. The X values are also the Y values, so the R2 does not change.
Jacob: That is counter-intuitive. Suppose the starting interest rate is 8%. If σ is 1%, which is high stochasticity for monthly interest rates, I presume the R2 will be low. If σ is 0.01%, which is low stochasticity, I presume the R2 will be high.
Rachel: To conceive of the relations, assume the starting interest rate is zero. The deviation is the actual value minus the mean, so we might as well start with a mean of zero.
> If σ = 1%, we have much random fluctuation in the Y values. This makes the X values more dispersed, which lowers the variance of the ordinary least squares estimator.
> If σ = 0.01%, we have little random fluctuation in the Y values. The X values are less dispersed, which raises the variance of the ordinary least squares estimator.
The two effects offset each other.
Jacob: Shouldn’t the degree of stochasticity affect the R2?
Rachel: The change from σ = 1% to σ = 0.01% as a change in the units of measurement. Nothing about the regression has changed.